The Battle for the Evangelical Mind Is Happening Online


“In today’s culture…we privilege instant answers to complicated questions. And wisdom is rarely speedy (Prov 29:20). This is not merely a problem of online media. Christian leaders in an effort to communicate effectively often (and understandably) give simple and speedy answers.” - Wyatt Graham


“Not enough atoms in the universe to model your brain”?


“Famously, there aren’t enough atoms in the universe to build a full model of what every cell is doing [in the brain]. It’s a theoretically intractable problem, you can’t even conceive of a computer large enough because there isn’t enough material in the universe to make it.” - Cranach


BJU's High School Festival Goes Virtual for 2020


“For the 48th year, the High School Festival & Preaching and Teaching Conference will be held this fall but with a twist because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Submissions will be made online, which opens the event to many who even under normal circumstances wouldn’t be able to participate.” - BJU Today


How Artificial Super-Intelligence Is Today’s Tower of Babel


“As a technologist in the field, I am intrigued by the cleverness in designs and algorithms of various AI disciplines advancing the world every day. However, I take issue with making super intelligence that out-performs humans the ultimate goal of AI. ” - CToday


Tools, strategies for online worship vary among churches


“It is still too early to tell what kind of impact we are having, but I do know our online audience is far surpassing our regular church attendance because we have widened the net,” Hooks said. “It is also confirmation that what I have been telling the church is true — ‘The church is not closed; we have left the building.’” - BPNews


ERLC's Thacker writes: AI 'must be wielded with wisdom'


“Followers of Jesus need not fear artificial intelligence but should realize its continuing development calls for biblical thinking regarding its potential benefits and threats to humanity, a Southern Baptist ethicist writes in a new book.” - BPNews
