The fake news police: Who fact-checks Facebook’s fact-checkers?


“The report [by law firm Covington & Burling] did not present any case studies to support those concerns, so WORLD examined one specific bias claim in an attempt to see how Facebook’s fact-checkers work. Before we get to our analysis, though, it’s important to understand the power Facebook has.” - WORLD


Why Transhumanists’ Quest for Earthly Immortality is Misguided


“Followers active in the movement, like Kurzweil, take an unfathomable number of nutritional supplements each day. Those supplements supposedly slow the aging process, allowing time for science to kick in and enable transhumanists to achieve immortality. Some transhumanists believe their consciousness will be uploaded into a machine or a new body” - Intellectual Takeout


The Christian Post 'blacklisted' by Google, whistleblower claims


“On Wednesday, investigative journalism group Project Veritas released an interview in which whistleblower Zachary Vorhies reveals he delivered roughly 950 pages of documents to the Department of Justice’s Antitrust division demonstrating that Google manipulated its algorithms in a way that biased its search engine against conservative media, Christian media and nonprofit groups, and Republicans.” -


Robot priest added to 400-year-old Buddhist temple in Japan: 'It will grow in wisdom'


“The Kodaji Temple, in a partnership with the robotics team at Osaka University, unveiled ‘Mindar’ earlier this year. The robot is a 6-foot tall android, made of silicon and aluminum and modeled after Kannon, the Buddhist deity of mercy who preaches what is called the ‘Heart Sutra’ in Japanese, with English and Chinese translations projected on a screen for tourists.” - Fox


Americans Now Have Less Faith in Tech Than Church


“No other major institutions examined by Pew—colleges and universities, labor unions, banks and other financial institutions, large corporations, national news media, and churches and religious organizations—saw as severe a decline in support as tech brands.” - Christianity Today


Don’t Listen to the Negative Buzz — Here’s the Case FOR Church Apps


“As your church member sits at the Department of Motor Vehicles waiting for their number to be called, they pull out their phone and look at their screen. Sitting between their social media app and some puzzle game is your church’s app. That app is a reminder of the mission, the church, the family they belong to.” - Church Leaders
