We Digitized the Mob, and There's No Place to Hide


“It is easy to understand why someone surrounded by the mob surrenders to its power, but those corporate boardrooms are far from the fray and well-protected…. So why have they turned their backs on law and order and embraced the mob?


Social media make us JUMP to false conclusions


“Information, disinformation, and narratives now spread globally between billions of people at the push of a button. Solana observes this did indeed occur, for good or for ill, with the COVID-19 pandemic” - Acton


Is Social Media the New Responsible Realm for Influencers or the Battleground for Fools?


“What we often end up doing is speaking before listening, and driving wedges between people who should live in love and unity. I read one writer recently on Facebook who said that spiritual leaders have a responsibility to use social media as a channel for influence, but there are some major obstacles ….


Biblical Principles for Social Media

It is no revelation that social media are dominant forms of communication in this digital age, but the stats are breathtaking. A remarkable 78% of 18-24 year olds in the U.S. use Snapchat, and 94% of that age demographic are regular YouTube users, while 71% use Instagram. More than two-thirds (68%) of all U.S. adults use Facebook, and 75% of those users are daily users.


One narrative to rule them all?


“Long-running internecine media feuds, emblematic of the degradation of mass media as they are, are merely the smoke set off by the burning desire for one, all-consuming narrative….The only story we need to get straight is the story that really matters. Grounded in that story, the greatest ever told, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and our world.


Is Social Media Our Ministry’s Friend?

I wrote last week about my enthusiasm for online ministry, and my view that one good result of the current crisis is that it has forced us to sharpen our online presence—while it has also given us the opportunity to do so.


“Social-media platforms have transformed over time to reward mob mentalities instead of civil discourse.”


“Managing social media for a large Christian organization, I see Christians shine the bright light of the gospel and mercilessly eviscerate others online every single day. I fear many of us have fallen into feedback loops created by algorithms intended to generate engagement, and have lost sight of our calling to be known by our mutual love (John 13:34–35).” - TGC


Five social media trends churches should know about in 2020


“2. People are moving from public spaces to private spaces….These days, private social media spaces are starting to get a lot more attention. Features like Facebook Groups, Instagram direct messages, and apps like Snapchat all continue to grow in popularity.” - BP News
