“Last night I experienced a first on social media. A person claiming to follow Jesus Christ questioned my salvation.”


“It doesn’t bother me that someone who doesn’t know me would make such a ridiculous claim regarding my faith. The incident, however, did make me think of how many times Christians have hurt the cause of Christ on social media. …Allow me to suggest a few tips that might be helpful for ministering effectively online:” - Tim McKnight


A Radical Goal for Social Media: Posting Peace


“…like many other good things in life, social media can become distorted and twisted, which is one of Bursch’s points: ‘The social-media platforms we create are not just connecting us—they’re changing us. They’re changing how we view reality, understand relationships, process conflicts, and abide with each other’ ” - TGC


Avoid the hot takes: Takeaways for Christians after two mass shootings


“…avoid the hot take. Christians especially should be slow to speak. People are complicated. Explanations that focus only on external factors of race, gender, ethnicity, or legal requirements may miss the motivations that animate individual human beings…. ‘out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.’” - WORLD
