No Squishy Love, No Brutal Truth


“The Bible calls us to both truth and love—not some squishy love that refuses to name error, but also not some truth that is harsh and brutal….This love is gentle and forbearing (because God is gentle and forbearing). This love is willing to move slowly and to rejoice at small gains (because God is willing to move slowly and to rejoice at small gains).


The Social Media Censorship Dumpster Fire


“It’s incredibly reassuring to hear that flat-earthers and 9/11 truthers can also double as the speech police. Oh, and arguments about censorship decisions can get so intense that moderators would threaten supervisors with physical violence if they overruled their decision.” - National Review


Let's Make Wisdom Great Again


“One of the clearest examples of this problematic yet ever increasing norm in our society came last week when a group of Roman Catholic High School students—who happened to be on a pro-life trip—became the objects of social bullying and bigotry—and, all under the faulty lens of social media manipulation and slander.” - Ref21
