11 Ways I Am Reducing the Downside of Using Social Media


“4. Read more books. In her book iGen, Jean Twenge shows research that reading of books and long-form articles is dropping significantly ….Jennifer Lyell used to say something like, ‘we need weighty content that is developed and designed for more than consumption at a stop light.’” - C.Leaders


Friends, If I Unfriend You, Here’s Why


“…please (especially to my Christian friends, I beg of you) please stop • mocking • denigrating • demonizing • and dehumanizing people who hold opposing positions. They are image-bearers of God. And they are as deeply loved by their creator as you are.” - C.Leaders


“...our online life is limited by the information bubbles we choose to inhabit”


“Humans tend to have an anchoring bias, a cognitive bias that causes us to rely too heavily on the first piece of information we are given about a topic. It’s a tendency highlighted in Proverbs 18:17: ‘The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.’” - TGC


Facebook’s Unenviable Position


“The Left’s efforts to bully the social-media giant have nothing to do with protecting democracy, and everything to do with political expediency.” - N. Review


On Well-Intentioned Viral Campaigns


“We’re going to come to a solution, if we ever do, one person at a time, by holding ourselves accountable, speaking in wisdom, and committing to be part of the solution rather than merely ratcheting up the rage.” - Dan Olinger


How to drain the poison of outrage out of social media


“We must refuse to participate in the ‘Internet of Beefs’ by refraining from harming others, being truthful in our pronouncements, and refraining from stealing the work, words, or reputations of others.” - Acton
