Twitter Bans “Misgendering” and “Deadnaming”


“ ‘Misgendering’ refers to when someone uses the ‘wrong’ pronoun to describe a transgender person (i.e., calling a biological male who identifies as female ‘he’). ‘Deadnaming’ refers to using a transgender person’s birth name (i.e. calling well-known athlete Bruce Jenner ‘Bruce’ instead of his preferred ‘Caitlyn’).” - AiG


Social media strategy & the church


“By the time churches have fully embraced Facebook, many of their members and those they are trying to reach may have left it behind.” - BPress


Being Salt and Light in the Middle of a Twitter Mob


Jaron Lanier: “Whatever you say will be contextualized and given meaning by the way algorithms, crowds, and crowds of fake people who are actually algorithms mash it up with what other people say.” - CToday


Tweets & Peeps: When Social Media & Friends Collide

Republished from Baptist Bulletin April/May 2017 with permission. © Regular Baptist Press, all rights reserved.

by Daryl A. Neipp

In 2013, researchers conducted an online survey and discovered that 78 percent of users have experienced a rise in arguments and hostility within social media platforms.

Specific findings include these:

  • 3 in 4 have witnessed an argument on social media;
  • 4 in 5 report rising incivility online;
  • 2 in 5 have blocked, unsubscribed, or unfriended someone as a result;
  • 1 in 5 have reduced in-person contact with someone over a cyber argument;
  • 88 percent believe that people are less polite on social media than in person;
  • 81 percent say emotional conversations held on social media are most often unresolved.
