James MacDonald Posts Repentance Letter on Facebook


“I was, am, and will remain very sorry for the careless and hurtful words that were illegally recorded and publicized,” the apology states. “I immediately sent written apologies where appropriate, grieving what it revealed about the state of my heart at the time, as well as the hurt caused to those who trusted us to be a more consistent example of Christlikeness.


Should social media companies be treated like publishers and broadcasters?


“A large newspaper can easily control their own writers and contributors. So, too, can a cable news channel or a network. But there is no practical way that a social media platform can exercise meaningful supervision over the material that billions of people could potentially share.” - Acton


Love Your Enemies, Even on Social Media


“Union Seminary’s actions deserve criticism; confessing and praying to plants is full-on paganism and should be named as such. But deserving criticism and even denunciation does not supersede Jesus’ commands to speak and act charitably nor undo Paul’s admonition found in Ephesians 5 where followers of Christ are commanded to ‘walk in love, as Christ loved us.’” - John Ellis


The fake news police: Who fact-checks Facebook’s fact-checkers?


“The report [by law firm Covington & Burling] did not present any case studies to support those concerns, so WORLD examined one specific bias claim in an attempt to see how Facebook’s fact-checkers work. Before we get to our analysis, though, it’s important to understand the power Facebook has.” - WORLD


“The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics”... is about the way in which social media brings out the worst of the tribalism and idiocy in our contemporary politics


“As my book argues, people do not go to social media hoping to learn things about the world. They go to social media hoping that attention will be paid to them. That’s what social media is: a sad, sprawling bazaar in which attention is exchanged and bartered.” - Kevin Williamson


Are We Outsourcing Our Brains to Google?


“Cars, light bulbs, telephones, and compact discs exist outside of us. When we engage with social media, however, when we take information from blogs and make it our own, we are merging our hearts and minds with a machine. Blithely, we continue apace in this transformation, most often unaware of the change we are undergoing.” - Intellectual Takeout
