Republicans Shouldn’t Vote?


“Democrats are inaccurately accusing Republican election reform efforts–designed to address some of Trump’s complaints–as ‘voter suppression.’ But here is an actual case of voter suppression, only Trump is suppressing his own voters!” - Veith


What’s good for LeBron is good for Trump


“It’s using one standard for LeBron and another for Trump. It’s accusing the one and excusing the other. It’s saying, ‘Someone with as much influence as LeBron needs to be more responsible,’ while at the same time claiming, ‘Yes, Trump was the most powerful man on the planet, but he was just venting.’” - Michael Brown


Trump to Raffensperger: Find Me the Votes


“…the Saturday call between Trump and Raffensperger provides the best window into the intense pressure that the Secretary of State—a lifelong Republican who voted for and donated to Trump—has been under.


Texas v. Pennsylvania Would Have Upended the Electoral College


“Texas asked the Court to declare that electoral votes ‘cast by such presidential electors’ ‘are in violation’ of the Constitution and ‘cannot be counted.’ But… Under the Twelfth Amendment, Congress counts electoral votes. For the Court to instruct Congress what can or cannot be counted would be a remarkable intrusion on the separation of powers.” - L & L
