Barna & CRC Release 2021 Millennials in America Study


“…this research examines elements of the Millennial experience such as the lifestyle, hopes for the future, emotional and mental health, relationships, personal faith, and political attributes and perceptions of this group.” - Report


We are a fractured nation, but there is still hope


“The Founders worried about ‘factionalism’ becoming tyranny, but thought the nation so large and scattered that it would be impossible for the ‘like-minded’ to come together for evil ends. But modern social and mass media have helped turn citizens into mobs determined to destroy their political enemies. Do we have anything in common anymore?” - Acton


Most Americans Know and Trust Their Neighbors


“Almost 7 in 10 U.S. adults (68%) say they trust the people who live in their local community, according to a study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research. Close to a quarter of Americans (23%) disagree, and 10% say they aren’t sure.” - Lifeway
