On Being Christian in Our Strange Secular, Neo-Pagan Society


“One way to understand the so-called “cancel culture” of 2021 which has no tolerance for freedom of thought and expression is that it is the product of a Christian influence that is cut away from its roots in a living Christian tradition. The virtue of, say, racial justice is cut loose from its Christian roots and allowed to wander and do harm.” - Timothy Whitaker


A Radical Goal for Social Media: Posting Peace


“…like many other good things in life, social media can become distorted and twisted, which is one of Bursch’s points: ‘The social-media platforms we create are not just connecting us—they’re changing us. They’re changing how we view reality, understand relationships, process conflicts, and abide with each other’ ” - TGC


“Rural churches and the folks who attend them aren’t forgotten.” (They're neglected.)


“To say rural pastors and rural congregations are forgotten is probably less true than to say rural churches and pastors (and really, small churches and their pastors everywhere) are often underrepresented and underutilized in denominational leadership and overlooked by Christian publishers and conference organizers.
