Gallup: Americans' Confidence in Major U.S. Institutions Dips


“Currently, an average 33% of U.S. adults express ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in 14 institutions, marking a three-percentage-point dip since 2020 and a return to the level seen in 2018 and 2019.” - Gallup


On Nationalisms Through Time


“Goldman’s book is a thoughtful extended essay on the idea of nationalism … for Goldman, nationalism entails that if the motto e pluribus unum—one out of many—is indeed meaningful, the unum must be some intelligible unifying principle or other…. Goldman proceeds to trace three rival conceptions of American national identity” - John Ehrett


The Depressing Dead End of ‘Your Truth’


“Our post­-truth age pitches the individual self as the primary source of truth: ‘follow your heart,’ ‘live your truth,’ and so forth….Institutions now exist to merely affirm us, not to form us.” - Brett McCrackin


Brave New World or 1984?


“I have long pondered whether Brave New World or 1984 was more plausible as the fate of the West. But just the other day it finally dawned on me that the right answer to this question is not one or the other: it is both!” - Credo
