Pastor: You Were Not Made for Fame


“Our cultural moment sees the acquisition of fame as the greatest good, we measure our value by followers, fans, and likes. If you ask most kids what they want to be when they get older they usually say a YouTuber. That is not what kids said when I was young.” - C.Leaders


6 Things Christians Should Know About Gen Z


“Gen Z isn’t as cohesive as previous generations: the cultural references and growing-up experiences of a 25-year-old aren’t the same for a 19-year-old, and are different again for a 14-year-old.” - TGC


Pastors' Credibility Is in Question—Even Among Pastors


“Below, we’ll share data from The Resilient Pastor … to explore current perspectives on the credibility of America’s pastors as well as insights from Packiam on pastoral trustworthiness and reliability.” - Barna


Americans support religious freedom — as long as it’s convenient for everyone


“…more than 85% of Americans believe that it is ‘somewhat important’ or ‘absolutely essential’ that an American have the right to choose any religion that they wish… But nearly 37% of people say that practices that inconvenience others are ‘definitely not’ or ‘not a very important part’ of religious freedom.” - RNS


Trust Issues: Responding to our Cultural Authority Crisis


“Increasingly, however, skepticism has been replaced by cynicism and is expressed in an immediate distrust anytime anyone tells us anything to think or do. This is not healthy or sustainable, nor is it a biblical way of thinking about authority.” - Breakpoint


Why Traditional Religion Is Dwindling in America


“I can’t say exactly when, most Americans simply lost any sense of being sinful, of needing forgiveness. Most don’t think they are bad…. they will admit to having faults, but basically they think they are ‘good people’ and so are most others.” - Roger Olson


The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism


“American evangelicalism is deeply divided. Some evangelicals have embraced the secular turn toward social justice activism…Old alliances are dissolving.” - First Things


Survey on What Americans fear – Christians Can Be Counterculturally Fearless


“…the foremost fear in the U.S. (for the sixth year in a row) is fear of ‘corrupt government officials.’ It’s a fear shared by Republicans (84.6 percent) and Democrats (77.8 percent) alike… the next highest-ranking fear (‘people I love dying’) is a full 20 points lower.” - TGC
