What God Do People Believe In?


Faith in America study: “13% of Americans are atheists, not believing in God, a higher power, or any spiritual force. Of the others, a bare majority, 54%, of Americans say they ‘believe in God as described by the Bible.’ Whereas 16% say they ‘believe in God but not as described in the Bible.’” - Veith


Growing Up Lonely: Generation Z


“A majority (56 percent) of Gen Zers report they felt lonely at least once or twice a month during their childhood. In contrast, only about one in four (24 percent) Baby Boomers say they felt lonely this often as children.” - IFS


Unhelpful Advice in ‘Turning Red’


“the film ultimately advocates a wrongheaded central message under the guise of empowerment: embrace who you are, even your reckless vices and dangerous impulses, and don’t let anyone stop you.” - TGC


Why are perceptions of the Church so far from the reality?


“In 1979, sociologist Christopher Lasch wrote The Culture of Narcissism, arguing that as the bonds of religious identity and family erode, Americans were increasingly looking inward for security and meaning. In such a culture, feelings and subjective experiences aren’t just considered the most important thing in the world: They’re considered the most accurate view of the world.” - Breakpoint
