Despite the celebs and the big money, Americans are trending pro-life


According to, “pro-choice abortion-policy organizations outspend pro-life ones, by anywhere from 20% to 900%, nearly every year, going back to 1990 … for example, in 2018, pro-life groups put a total of $4.8 million toward independent spending and campaign contributions at the state and federal level … pro-choice groups spent $50.7 million.” - Was


“According to a new poll from ABC News/Washington Post, 60% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, the highest percentage since 1995.”


“The biggest change the polling found was an uptick by 11 percentage points for Americans who believe abortion should be legal ‘in all cases’ to 27%. The remaining supporters, 36%, believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, which has come down from 45% since 2010.” - Christian Headlines


Poll: Americans support Roe v. Wade because they don't understand it


“…since 60% of respondents opposed abortion in most or all circumstances, you’d logically expect a similar percentage of respondents to want Roe overturned. But when asked, ‘Would you like to see the Supreme Court overturn its 1973 Roe versus Wade decision concerning abortion, or not?’ only 33% of respondents replied yes.” - W. Examiner
