U.S. Abortion Rate Drops to Lowest Point Since Roe v. Wade


“The rate of abortions was 13.5 per 1,000 women of childbearing age in 2017, down from 14.6 in 2014, and 16.9 in 2011, according to the Guttmacher Institute, an abortion research organization cited by those on both sides of the issue politically. The group releases the study every three or so years.” - National Review


5 incredible revelations from this week’s abortion hearing in California


Planned Parenthood sued the makers of videos showing their personnel selling the “tissue” of aborted babies… “While the trial hasn’t started yet, this whole legal process has proved to be a huge mistake for Planned Parenthood, as it has already produced one insanely embarrassing revelation after another for them.


Kentucky bans abortions after fetal heartbeat is detected


“Bevin’s ceremonial signing of the heartbeat abortion ban came as another Kentucky abortion law, one that requires abortion clinics to have a written agreement with a hospital to transfer any patient with a medical emergency, is being challenged in the courts.” - Christian Post


Teachers Union Endorses Killing Unborn Children


“At its annual representative assembly earlier this month, the National Education Association (NEA) formally adopted a statement that endorses abortion. The NEA is the largest teachers’ union in the US.” - AiG


Abortion Continues to Not Make Sense


“Mathewes-Green: Science. It gives undeniable proof that the fetus is a living human individual; that the fetal stage of human development is continuous with later stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence, all the way to old age.” - National Review
