Record Number of Pro-Lifers Join Marches to Kick off 2020


“In Colorado, thousands attended the ‘Celebrate Life’ march to rally against late-term abortions… .approximately 9,000 people appeared in Chicago to protest their beliefs in the ‘March for Life Chicago.’ In 2014, only 1,000 showed to the event. This year’s theme was “Life empowers: Pro-life is Pro-Woman.’” - Christian Headlines


ERLC urges ruling for abortion doctor requirement


“A law requiring an abortion doctor to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital should be upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court as the ‘legitimate interest’ of a state in protecting the lives and health of women, the Southern Baptist Convention’s ethics entity told the justices.” - BPNews


Supreme Court upholds Kentucky abortion law


“Pro-life supporters in Kentucky were pleased with a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday that left in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before abortions.” - BPNews


Manhattan Declaration – more necessary than ever?


“Early, the document acknowledges the signatories as “Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Christians.” The disparities of belief among these groups display a wide divergence on crucial doctrines, but nonetheless the signatories willingly joined hands in identifying themselves as Christians.” - Don Johnson


New report shows abortions continue to decline


“The number of abortions fell in one year by more than 13,000 to 623,471 in 2016, the latest year for which data is available, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a Nov. 29 report.” - BPNews
