What Should Christians Think About Abortion? (Part 3)

Read the rest of the series.

In the first two installments, we discussed some presuppositions that the pro-abortion and pro-life perspectives bring to this issue, and we saw what the activists in our secular culture are saying about abortion. We especially noted their attempts to normalize abortion to their target audience. Now, in this last installment, we consider what the Bible says about unborn children.


New Poll Finds Huge Shift in Pro-Life Direction


“…among Democrats under the age of 45, the shift was even more significant: According to Marist, 28 percent of them said they were pro-life last month. Now, almost as many young Democrats identify as pro-life as pro-choice.” - National Review


Abortion is never medically necessary


“One of the most common defenses of late-term abortion is the claim that in some cases, abortion is medically necessary…. The truth, known to thousands of OB-GYNs worldwide, is that there is no situation in which an abortion is medically necessary.” - W. Examiner
