High court upholds only part of Indiana pro-life law


“The high court’s refusal to review Indiana’s appeal… left standing a Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decision that invalidated the measure. The action also rejected requests by some organizations that the justices reconsider their 1973 Roe v. Wade opinion.” - BPNews


That didn't take long: ACLU and Planned Parenthood file lawsuit against Alabama abortion ban


“It is one of the most restrictive abortion bans as it criminalizes ‘any person to intentionally perform or attempt to perform an abortion’ at any stage of pregnancy with only exceptions for averting death or ‘serious health risks.’ The governor signed it, despite admitting that it may be ‘unenforceable’ and that she wishes for the act to be challenged by a Supreme Court decision.” -


To see the real war on women, look abroad


“Expanding the inherent right to life for females (and males) within the womb does not constitute a ‘war on women.’ That’s actually the opposite of oppression. … If these women would like to see actual examples of a war on women, they should look outside the United States.” - Kimberly Ross
