Supreme Court considers abortion mandate again


“For the third consecutive day, the justices heard oral arguments by means of a telephone conference because of restrictions brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The religious freedom case was among 10 in which the high court postponed oral arguments from late March and April.” - BPNews


Senate prepares to act on two pro-life bills


“Pro-life advocates in the U.S. Senate will try again Feb. 24 to gain passage of protections for unborn babies late in their mothers’ pregnancies and newborns who survive abortions — something they have been unable to do the last two years. ​​​​​….


Abortion survivor laments Super Bowl ad rejection


“Josiah Presley, one of the abortion survivors featured in a 30-second ad that Fox Sports chose not to run during the Super Bowl, is a Criswell College graduate and a youth pastor at Galloway Avenue Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas.” - BPNews


Slavery’s Connection to Abortion

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

In many ways, the modern abortion movement in the United States has historical continuity within American culture. The same culture that promoted chattel slavery is still thriving, only now it is trafficking in the murder of the unborn. It really is astonishing how similar the pro-slavery argument is with the pro-abortion argument.

Consider that United States was ironically founded with an affirmation that liberty and human freedom come from God:


Virginia and the lie at the heart of the pro-choice movement


“Yesterday Virginia’s senate narrowly repealed laws regulating abortion in the state. While only affecting Virginia, their action has nation-wide implications because it exposes the lie at the heart of the pro-choice movement—namely that being pro-choice is about being pro-woman.” - Jesse Johnson
