Religious liberty lawsuit challenges Illinois abortion insurance mandate


“The Illinois Baptist State Association (IBSA) … is among three plaintiffs in a lawsuit the nonprofit Thomas More Society filed Wednesday (June 10) in Sangamon County Circuit Court challenging the Illinois Reproductive Health Act’s abortion coverage mandate.” - BPNews


The unofficial abortion-free state


“The last abortion center in Missouri won a lengthy courtroom brawl to keep its license even though only a handful of women ended their pregnancies at the facility in the last year. On May 30, the day after the Missouri Administrative Hearing Commission ruled in Planned Parenthood’s favor.” - WORLD


Supreme Court may change the future of abortion


Current law “creates a legal fiction granting abortion providers standing to represent the interests of the women they injure. This is similar to allowing a car manufacturing company to represent consumer interests when challenging a car safety law. Although not often discussed, this issue of third-party standing could be the linchpin in this case.” - W.Examiner


Who’s Really Exploiting Norma McCorvey?


“Producer Nick Sweeney…appears to be selling the entire mainstream media on the idea that the last decades of Norma McCorvey’s life were ‘an act’ and that her relationship with the pro-life movement was defined by money.


Fact and Fiction About Racism and the Rise of the Religious Right


“According to this narrative, Evangelical leaders mainly supported abortion rights. They jumped into the culture war only when the IRS moved to strip the tax exemptions from racially discriminatory schools. Opposition to integration is the poisonous acorn that grew into the mighty political oak of conservative Christianity.” - David French
