Planned Parenthood condemns founder's tie to white supremacy


“Pro-life activists have responded after Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson denounced the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger, and accused the head of the abortion giant of attempting to undertake a ‘fake reckoning’ regarding Sanger’s ties to the eugenics movement.” - C.Post


A dangerous distortion of a confusing passage


“Some abortion advocates point to a passage in the New International Version as Biblical justification for abortion. But the NIV’s speculative translation clouds rather than clarifies” - WORLD


South Carolina passes heartbeat bill


“Before performing an abortion, doctors will have to do an ultrasound to make sure the baby has no heartbeat yet. The measure will protect all babies with detectable heartbeats except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother’s life. Court battles will likely tie up the law’s enforcement, but pro-life advocates hope it will end up before the Supreme Court, where a conservative majority could overturn Roe v.


New Poll: Most Americans Support Abortion Restrictions


“According to a new Marist poll out today, more than three-quarters of Americans support significant restrictions on abortion, including a majority of Americans who describe themselves as pro-choice.” - N.Review


Abortions practically nonexistent in Missouri


“As it appears Missouri has become the first state since the Roe v. Wade decision to virtually eliminate abortions, Baptists are celebrating while preparing for more battles ahead.” - BPNews
