Historical abortion fiction


“Pro-abortionists claim abortifacients were legal centuries ago. The historical record proves otherwise” - WORLD


Abortion clinics have declined in the U.S., but pill providers have increased


“Operation Rescue released the report Tuesday….finds that the number of surgical abortion clinics in the United States has dropped by over 35% from 713 facilities in 2009 to 458 facilities in 2020.” Clinics providing drug-induced abortions went from 131 facilities in 2009 to 248 facilities in 2020. - CPost


CDC report: Abortions increased slightly in 2018


“A new report from the Centers for Disease Control found that the number of abortions conducted in the United States rose slightly from 2017 to 2018, reversing a consistent decline that began in 2009.” - CPost


Winning the Abortion Debate in America


“Abortion will not end in this country by simply overturning Roe, as necessary as that is. Abortion will only end when a strong majority comes to see abortion as unconscionable because they understand that the baby in the womb is a real live human being.” - SBC Voices
