“Rob Reiner’s documentary makes a strong case against political extremism in the name of Christ—for those who already agree.” - C.Today
Jordan Peterson wrestles with God
“In a new lecture tour to support a forthcoming book, the psychologist and public intellectual hews ever closer to Christianity, tantalizing fans who take their cues on converting from his secular but religiously curious thought.” - RNS
Over 16,000 Canadians Likely Died From “Medical Assistance in Dying” in 2023
“The nation’s Fourth Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying discloses that there were 13,241 euthanasia deaths in 2022 alone.” - Daily Citizen
Back From Bootcamp
I just returned from bootcamp—Support Raising Bootcamp, that is. I attended Via Generosity’s Support Raising Bootcamp in Austin, Texas, on Feb. 12 and 13.
This training is based around the compelling book by Steve Shadrach (not to be confused with Meshach or Abednego!) called The God Ask (Fayetteville, AR: Via Nations, 2023). I was familiar with both the book and the bootcamp, and had desired to attend for a while, but it was not until the Lord, in His providence, arranged for me to have a speaking opportunity in southeast Kansas over the prior weekend that I was convinced it was wise to make the trip at this particular time. After all, I would already be halfway there!
Will We Ever Disagree in Heaven?
“Because we’re finite and unique and because we’ll never know everything….we’ll still likely have different tastes in food and clothes and music and thousands of other things.” - Randy Alcorn
Babylonian Ark Tablet Echoes Genesis: The Animals Went in Two by Two
“Finkel was shocked by the rare cuneiform signs sana in the passage describing the animals on the boat. Sana is listed in the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary as ‘Two each, two by two.’” - Biblical Archaeology Society
How much does the average pastor make? Do clergy earn more than local school teachers?
Map data “comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They have been tracking the median salary of clergy for at least the last 25 years and they make that data publicly available for download.” - Ryan Burge
Jesus said do not be afraid of rumors of wars: What to do instead
“What both these views have in common is their agreement with the idea that vengeance belongs to the Lord….We should never act out of rage or for revenge. God requires justice but he tempers retribution with mercy.” - Premier Christianity
What Does “Evangelical” Really Mean?
“Bebbington has created the ‘Bebbington quadrilateral,’ four Christian beliefs that shape evangelical identity wherever it appears; all Christians who believe these things are allegedly ‘evangelical.’ They are: biblicism, conversionism, crucicentrism, and activism” - Roger Olson
Pastor, Don’t Waste Your Discouragement
“Seasons of discouragement are inevitable for any gospel minister. It comes with the territory. But I learned something else in 44 years of pastoral ministry: the Lord uses seasons of discouragement as seasons of growth.” - TGC
The Resurrection Body of Christ the Lord, Part 2
Read the series.
In the early years of church history, there were men who denied the true humanity of Jesus. They were the Docetists, a significant branch of Gnosticism. They considered it blasphemous to imagine an infinite, holy, transcendent God contaminating Himself by assuming human flesh. This attitude reflected Greek philosophy, which held that matter is evil and that only the mind and spirit are good.
Boz Tchividjian wants IHOPKC shuttered as 3rd woman brings claim against Mike Bickle
“It’s time to take whatever monies are left & put them into a fund for those whose lives have been wrecked” - CPost
Religious ‘Nones’ Are A Complex Group, Hard To Pigeonhole
“One thing’s for sure. The religious and irreligious landscape in America is changing dramatically.” - Religion Unplugged
Related: ‘Nones’ Have Always Been with Us - TGC
The Authority of the Son Midrash, Part 1: Resurrection
Read the series.
John 5:20-30 with Psalm 2:12, Daniel 12:1-2 and Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Although a number of religions acknowledge an afterlife, mainstream Judaism was unique in its day for believing in the bodily resurrection.1 Rabbinic Judaism demonstrates this emphasis in the daily prayer known as the Amidah – also known as the 19 (originally 18) blessings.2 The second blessing reads:
How significantly have ecological or environmental factors contributed to the huge increase in LGBTQ numbers?
Dr. Leonard Saxe and others have written about how environmental estrogens are messing with gender among fish and wildlife in general. We have female fish with male parts and vice-versa, for example. Even population declines are best explained (in some nations) as a result of lower sperm counts, lower testosterone numbers, etc.
Here is one secular article that discusses this: https://nothinghumanisalien.substack.com/p/are-xenoestrogens-causing-a-…
Faith Pulpit Day
Join us as Faith Alumnus & Author Dr. Tim Sigler presents “A Proper Perspective on Israel & the Middle East”
More information: https://faith.edu/events/faith-pulpit-day-2024/
Mortality, Death, and the Illusion of Control
“Scientific discoveries and medical advancements are gifts of God. And yet… a common side effect has been an inflated sense of control. It’s not difficult to see why so many people remain convinced that death can be defeated with ever newer and more impressive technologies.” - Breakpoint
But Is It Worth It? A Question To Christian Trumpists
“I know some Christian Trumpists who will simply say that, in spite of Trump’s character flaws, they will support him because the alternative is always worse. My question to Christian Trumpists is: But is it worth it?” - Roger Olson
The Nicene Creed: A Very Brief Introduction
“Sunday after Sunday in their worship services, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, and others recite the creed to profess what they believe. Those who do not know the creed—who have not learned it by heart from years of repetition—are a minority in the Christian world.” - Word by Word
What the ‘Negative World’ Framework Gets Wrong: A Review of Aaron Renn’s ‘Life in the Negative World’
“myriad facts undermine the tidiness of this story. Renn even mentions some of them, but his proposed framework doesn’t budge. In cultural analysis, this is usually evidence of a procrustean bed, where any facts not fitting the theory aren’t considered relevant.” - TGC
Less Than Half of Americans “Very Satisfied” With Own Lives
“47% “very” satisfied with their personal lives; one point shy of record low… 78% very or somewhat satisfied; down five points since last year” - Gallup
7 Stabilizing Principles in a Chaotic World, Part 4
Read the series.
Number 4: Significance/Permanence. Some things matter more than others. Care about those.
On July 19th, 2018, Michael Drejka confronted a woman in a convenience-store parking lot because her car was parked in a handicapped space. The woman’s boyfriend, Markeis McGlockton, came out of the store, saw Drejka in a hostile confrontation with his girlfriend, and pushed him to the ground. Drejka drew a concealed weapon and shot McGlockton in the chest, killing him.
A Book Review of Scott Aniol’s Citizens and Exiles
“Whether or not one is convinced of the two kingdoms theology versus a one kingdom framework, this book rightfully guards against an over-realized eschatology that underlies the cultural compromise and mission drift so common in the church.” - P&D
Does Matthew 24 Describe the Rapture of the Church?
“Many of those who believe in a pretribulational rapture (myself included) have been hesitant … to see that rapture in verses 37–41 because, whatever verses 37–41 describe, it would appear to follow the events of verses 29–31.” - DBTS Blog
Oral Roberts University marks 15 years of continuous enrollment growth
“ORU’s achievement comes at a time when the higher education sector, particularly Christian colleges, faces challenges such as closures, mergers and declining enrollments” - CPost
Married People Are Living Their Best Lives
“In 2023, married adults ages 25 to 50 are 17 percentage points more likely to be thriving than adults who never married, up from 12 percentage points in 2009.” - IFS
Sheriff says suspect ‘is down’ after shooting at Joel Osteen’s Texas megachurch
“Worshippers could be seen leaving the building as authorities evacuated the church, and authorities said they were continuing to methodically search the building as a precaution.” - RNS
Romans 11 and the Parable of the Olive Tree (Part 1)
In Romans 11, Paul finally answers the question he’s been dancing around since ch. 9: what is God’s plan for the people of Israel?
Worse Than Any Affliction: Why I Refuse to Grumble
“My flesh is wasting away, and who would blame me if I complained? Certainly not the world — it’s natural for them to expect an old lady in a wheelchair to grumble over her losses. But followers of Jesus Christ should expect more from me. Much more.” - Joni Eareckson Tada
A real-time answer to the clergy burnout crisis
“When asked, ‘Have you given real, serious consideration to quitting being in full-time ministry within the last year?’ 29 percent said yes in January 2021. A year and a half later, 41 percent said yes.” - Denison