“Blaming a busy schedule for one’s failure in time management is tempting, but if students are honest, they will admit that they could use their time better…. Implementing manageable routines into your day and understanding key concepts is a start to efficiently managing your time.” - MBU
Do We Still Believe in Backsliding?
“If a Christian fails to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and if he fails to attach himself to the Lord Jesus Christ gaining an intimate relationship with Him, He opens the door for what we use to call ‘Backsliding.’” - P&D
More Men Than Women Want Kids
“According to a recent study by Pew Research, young men are now more likely than young women to say they want children. Specifically, 57% of young men compared to only 45%, a minority, of young women.” - Breakpoint
After the Victory . . . the Battle Begins (Part 1)
On Mount Carmel, Elijah experienced one of the greatest spiritual victories recorded in all of Holy Scripture. His triumph over Ahab, Jezebel and “the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of Asherah” (1 Kings 18:19) devastated the wicked king and queen.
Ahab offered a muted response to his embarrassing defeat (e.g., 1 Kings 18:41-46), while Jezebel became infuriated (1 Kings 19:1-2). Like Satan himself, she manifested her darkest rage when she understood the certainty of her ultimate demise (1 Kings 21:23; 2 Kings 9:30-37; cf. Rom. 16:20; Rev. 12:12).
Handling That Sticky Situation
“What is Moses to do? What would you do? How should this dilemma be handled? Consider logic? Go on past decisions? ‘Phone a friend’?” - P&D
How Deep Is the Father’s Love?
“Love shows its depth, not in loving those who deserve our love or in loving those who are easy to love, but in loving the unlovable, which is exactly who God loves. He loves the weak, the ungodly, sinners, and even his enemies (Rom. 5:6, 8, 10).” - Ref21
Can the Cooperation Continue? Rethinking Under Pressure Risks the Future of the SBC
“now comes Wingfield’s report that The North American Mission Board, the International Mission Board, and Guidestone may divvy up the Executive Committee. A new covenant between the churches and the Convention, combined with the removal of the ‘ad interim’ SBC, would be the end of the Southern Baptist Convention system.” - Christ Over All
AI in a Free Society
“The choices America makes with respect to AI will reinforce or undermine our commitment to freedom. The techno-panic we see today is in many ways normal, but it is important to make sure that AI isn’t stifled in the early stages.” - Law & Liberty
Faith in the Final Days: Understanding the Christian Approach to Life Support Decisions
“Christian ethics, while upholding the value of life, also consider the context and conditions under which life is sustained. The critical distinction between allowing natural death and actively causing death informs the Christian stance on life support.” - C.Leaders
Gallup: LGBTQ+ Identification in U.S. Now at 7.6%
“Overall, each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it to identify as LGBTQ+. More than one in five Gen Z adults, ranging in age from 18 to 26 in 2023, identify as LGBTQ+, as do nearly one in 10 millennials (aged 27 to 42).” - Gallup
How to Manage a Constant Complainer in the Church
“Sometimes, a complaint is warranted and can help to identify problems. Additionally, everyone needs to vent from time to time. But many churches have at least one person who complains about everything.” - Church Answers
England's NHS to stop prescribing puberty blockers for kids: 'Not enough evidence'
“NHS England made the announcement on Tuesday, following several months of research and a review of evidence provided by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).” - CPost
Psalm 22: Jesus’s Crucifixion Predicted
“The fact that these well-known physiological effects of execution by crucifixion were predicted long before crucifixion was invented or employed makes the predictions all the more remarkable.” - Hugh Ross
7 Books on Deconstruction
“Though many young people are unaware of deconstruction and the exvangelical community, the very online are likely to have bumped into the concept on social media.” - TGC
The Resurrection Body of Christ the Lord, Part 5
Read the series.
National, ethnic Israel will turn to their long-rejected Messiah in genuine faith at least three years before they see Him at His second coming and at the inaugural banquet. By the midpoint of the 70th week of Daniel, 42 months before He returns to establish His kingdom, 144,000 Israelis will have been sealed by God—12,000 from each of the 12 tribes—to evangelize the entire world (Rev. 7:1-8; 13-14). The Messiah assured His disciples that “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14, KJV).
Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters
God uses sinful people, but ...
“First, let’s not be overly impressed with people. We can honor leaders for their service, but let’s save our high praises for the Lord Himself.” - Michael Brown
Setting the Record Straight on Catholicism and Slavery: A Review of Paul Kengor’s ‘The Worst of Indignities: The Catholic Church on Slavery’
“Much of Kengor’s book subsequently explains the ‘before,’ ‘after,’ and ‘ever since’ of the Catholic Church’s condemnation of slavery and how this teaching emerged very early in the Church’s life.” - Religion & Liberty
Paul and First-Century Letter Writing
“Understanding his context reveals the Apostle Paul as one of the great letter writers of his age.” - Text & Canon
Family Dinners Offer a Silver Lining in a Bleak Social Capital Landscape
“Some research even finds that frequently eating meals with family members can reduce a child’s likelihood of substance use, violence, and other anti-social behaviors later in life.” - IFS
“Religious liberty is something Christians, and especially Baptists, should value and work to maintain.”
“In America, we might assume that religious liberty is a given, but in many ways, it was Baptists who championed this belief. Religious liberty, and the related belief that there should be no state-established religion, flow out of Baptist distinctives.” - DBTS Blog
Romans 11 and the Parable of the Olive Tree (Part 2)
In Part 1, we followed along as the apostle Paul explained that God has not forsaken the people of Israel. Instead, He is temporarily punishing them. Now, he explains why the punishment is necessary. So, Paul deploys a sort of parable to explain God’s divine rescue plan.
Video: Which TR Is the Perfectly Preserved One?
“I’m not being snarky; I’m asking very sincerely. I’m driving at what I think is an important and even peacemaking point in the debate over the text of the Greek New Testament.” - Mark Ward
(A YouTube transcript is available at the link above, though you have to do a bit of hunting to find it.)
Cynics in the Hand of a Living God: How to Shake a Cynicism Habit
“Sober-mindedness is essential for the Christian. This term means to be free of any illusion—to see things as they truly are. The New Testament contains numerous commands to be sober-minded” - TGC
Recognizing Generational Values That Could Divide Your Church
“Find the common ground among them all. As you minister to this mix of generational values and beliefs in your church, remember they all need Jesus. All of your people need relationships, even if they go about them differently.” - Lifeway
“My vote for the biggest swing-and-a-miss Christian teaching goes to postmillennialism.”
“The cold, hard truth is the world isn’t getting better and more Christian but is instead playing out just like Paul wrote: “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers…” - Robin Schumacher
A Review of ‘Giants: Sons of the Gods’ by Douglas Van Dorn
Douglas Van Dorn, Giants: Sons of the Gods, revised & expanded, Dacono, CO, Waters of Creation Publishing, 2023, v + 385 pages, pbk.
This review is certainly a departure from what I normally decide to write about (though see this). Yes, it is a book about the giants of the Bible and the ancient (and not so ancient) world. The author is a sober-minded pastor of a Reformed Baptist church in Colorado. Van Dorn is an amillennial covenant theologian (236-237).
“This is Christian Nationalism as articulated by the author of the most popular book arguing for it.”
“Wolfe’s Christian Nationalism is about a Christian Nation bound together by common practices, culture, and customs which are exemplified and embodied by a Christian strong man who really becomes the nation.” - Mere Orthodoxy
5 Qualities We Should Look for in Our Political Leaders
“Quality #1: Wisdom… Quality #2: Understanding…Quality #3: Justice…Quality #4: Humility…Quality #5: Self-control” - Kevin Deyoung
Willingness to Confront vs. Eagerness for Controversy
“Jude had a preference: ‘Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints’ (Jude 3). He wanted to agree, celebrating God’s grace in their ‘common salvation.’ But he needed to confront” - 9 Marks