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Pence Launches $20M Effort To Defend Conservative Principles

SI Filings ⁃

“The Constitution and this great American experiment must not be swayed by movements or personalities, but must hold fast to the time-honored principles that have made America strong and prosperous and free” - Pence

Carl F.H. Henry Conference Panel: Collaborative Leadership and Evangelical Concerns

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“Walter Kim is president of the National Association of Evangelicals….Glenn Hoburg serves as lead pastor of Grace Downtown Church, senior pastor of the Grace D.C. Network….Joel Woodruff is president of the C.S. Lewis Institute” - Juicy Ecumenism

‘The God Ask’

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

Read Part 1.

In this short series, I am sharing some of the things that I learned at Via Generosity’s Support Raising Bootcamp, which I attended earlier this month near Austin, TX. The training is centered around the book called The God Ask by Steve Shadrach (Fayetteville, AR: Via Nations, 2023).

Alabama’s Supreme Court Rules IVF Embryos Are Children

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“the Wrongful Death of a Minor Act applies on its face to all unborn children, without limitation.” - TGC

Redeeming the Culture?

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“Our goal in this edition of FrontLine is to provide biblical and theological tools that will help you decide how you will engage a dominant culture that is hostile to Christianity.” - P&D

Pastors, don’t tie your reputation to a political leader

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“even if they don’t misbehave…if we become more associated with them than we are with the gospel, we dilute, if not destroy, our witness” - Michael Brown

SBC Executive Committee deems four churches not in friendly cooperation

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Reasons included appointing women as pastors and failure to cooperate with the Credentials Committee in doctrinal and sexual abuse inquiries. - BPNews

If Jesus Triumphed Over Sin and Death, Why Does Our World Still Contain So Much Evil and Suffering?

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“There are varying responses to these excellent questions, and the good ones all require trust that a good, loving, holy, and just God knows what He’s doing.” - Randy Alcorn

The Resurrection Body of Christ the Lord, Part 3

John C. Whitcomb ⁃

Read the series.

The greatest banquet in the history of the world will occur at the beginning of Christ’s 1,000-year kingdom in the Holy Land. The menu was announced 2,700 years ago (Isa. 25:6), and our Lord confirmed that the beverage would be the “fruit of the vine” (Matt. 26:29).

Pastoring a Transient Church

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“I pastor a transient church. Seemingly every week, I hear that yet another member plans to move. Many members are here for one-to-three years.” - 9 Marks

6 Prayers for Work

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“In today’s hectic and competitive world, finding balance and success in our work lives can often be a challenge. As we navigate through our daily tasks, responsibilities, and interactions, it’s important to take a step back and reconnect with God.” - Common Good

Being In Charge Doesn’t Make You A Leader

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“Great leaders are humble, know how to inspire and lead their team, and are prepared to take responsibility—whether it’s their fault or not.” - Phil Cooke

Is God Good All the Time?

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“When a believer in Christ suffers affliction, be it discouragement, hurt, confusion, or even possible imprisonment and death, it’s tempting to doubt God’s goodness.” - Reasons

SBC ARITF chair announced formation of Abuse Response Commission

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“ ‘The Abuse Response Commission (ARC) is…. being started by a group of concerned, individual Southern Baptists’ who are current and former members of the ARITF.” - BPNews

‘My Times Are In Your Hand’ – A Musical Experiment

Aaron Blumer ⁃

It’s often said that the good is the enemy of the best. It’s also often said that the perfect is the enemy of the good. Both observations are true in different contexts, sort of like Proverbs 26:4-5.

In my own life, the perfect vs. good version seems more applicable. In order to finish anything, I often have to force myself to stop improving it, shrug, and say, “It’ll do, I guess.”

So, in the spirit of flawed-but-finished, I’m releasing some music into the wild today.

I’ll go into what this project is, why I’m doing it, and how I’ve done it so far. Then I’ll dig into some details, mostly for music and software nerds.

Does Matthew 24 Describe the Rapture of the Church? (Part 3)

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“In the last installment … we examined the argument (a convincing argument, in my opinion) made by John Hart in Evidence for the Rapture that Matthew 24:29–41 was not intended to portray future events in chronological order.” - DBTS Blog

Should We be Trying to Redeem the Culture?

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“We have a gospel mandate that makes the dominion mandate redundant. Our mandate in this age is the Great Commission. Make disciples of Jesus Christ—genuine, deep, self-sacrificing reflections of the character of Christ in personal heart and life.” - P&D

Barber highlights changes, plans for SBC annual meeting

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“In his report to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee Feb. 19, Bart Barber outlined new efforts to implement what he believes messengers have called on SBC leadership to do as the 2024 SBC Annual Meeting approaches.” - Baptist Paper

Perspectives on ‘He Gets Us’

SI Filings ⁃

A quick, very incomplete sampling…

“Would Jesus Wash a Homosexual’s Feet?”

C. D. Cauthorne Jr. ⁃

I had never before been asked for a pastor’s opinion concerning a Superbowl commercial. This year was different. The most talked about Superbowl ad had as its theme “He Gets Us.” It features Christians washing the feet of those with whom they disagree. It ends with the powerful words: “Jesus didn’t teach hate. He washed feet.”

What Navalny Represented

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“With his death, the curtain continues to close on the idea that a better Russia is around the corner.” - Persuasion

7 Signs of “Spiritual Neuropathy”

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“I still think about that diagnosis when I find myself in a similar spiritual malaise of both needle-like tingling and numbness at the same time.” - Chuck Lawless

What Do Secular Studies on Happiness Have in Common with the Bible?

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“modern happiness studies demonstrate that wealth, success, power, and popularity are not predictors of happiness. People who choose gratitude and engage in respectful, others-centered relationships are happier than those who are self-focused and driven by feelings of entitlement.” - Randy Alcorn

Another Record Attendance for Refresh Conference

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“This marks the fifth year in a row that the Refresh Conference has broken its attendance record” - GARBC

4 Reasons Acts 2:38–39 Does Not Imply Infant Baptism

M.R. Conrad ⁃

Fifty days after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit and led by Peter, ignited a gospel movement that spread from Jerusalem to the uttermost parts of the world. Acts 2 records the riveting historical account of timid followers of Jesus leaving their hiding places and boldly preaching to crowds gathered from across the Roman Empire.

A natural reading of the text would uncover no references to the later practice of infant baptism. Yet, proponents of infant baptism cling to Acts 2:38–39 as biblical warrant for this tradition.

Help! My Loved One Is Deconstructing.

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“Every faith deconstruction story is about a person who has unique experiences. While the Bible doesn’t use the word, it does offer significant insights into faith deconstruction.” - TGC

Leading a Congregational Church Through Constitutional Change

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“In the past decade, my church has undergone two changes to our constitution…. As leaders, we did some things well and some things poorly in both changes. I think we did significantly better the second time around.” - 9 Marks

USA Today Article on Christian Nationalism

JD Miller ⁃

This article was posted on MSN. They tend to post articles from a wide range of opinion. The article was originally posted in USA Today and is by a Baptist Seminary professor. I appreciated his balanced approach.

What is Christian nationalism? Here's what Rob Reiner's new movie gets wrong. (msn.com)

The article provides some important data that puts the subject of Christian nationalism into some important perspective and challenges some of our prejudices on the subject of Christian nationalism.

Early Court Rulings on Preferred Pronouns in the Workplace

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“if your employer demands you use another’s preferred pronouns, and you cannot in good conscience comply, can your employer fire you? As with many legal questions, the answer is ‘it depends.’” - TGC

GARBC Christian Character Scholarship Announces 2024 Winners

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“The 2024 GARBC Christian Character Scholarship competition has awarded a total of $19,500 to 18 high school seniors from Regular Baptist churches. The competition was open to high school seniors who exemplify Christian character and express an ongoing desire to serve God in local churches.” - GARBC