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Paul’s Prescription for Political Anxiety in 2024

SI Filings ⁃

“Along with the breathtaking boasts and cheap-shot slander, the sense of panic will heighten as we’re told, once again, that this is the most important election of our lifetimes.” - TGC

Youth Conference Teaches Students How to Defend Their Faith

SI Filings ⁃

“Ankeny (Iowa) Baptist Church hosted Back on Track, a two-day conference for seventh- through twelfth-graders…. In a Q and A the final morning, he answered students’ questions about defending their faith.” - GARBC

William Penn Statue Saved...for Now

SI Filings ⁃

“After a great outcry against this attempted purging of an aspect of our American history, the park service relented” - Real Clear Religion

Reflections on the Evangelical Fracturing, Ten Years In

SI Filings ⁃

“The story of Acts 29’s trajectory will feel familiar to many of us outside of the network as well. Indeed it may serve as a small-scale model for much of the evangelical fracturing that began around 2015 and has continued through to the present.” - Mere Orthodoxy

The Purveyors of ‘Peace and Safety’

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

To me, one of the strangest oddities of the year of 2020 was the call for safety in the face of COVID-19.

“Stay safe,” we were cautioned. Here in Wisconsin, our governor even issued an order titled “Safer at Home.”

This seemed to me to be an extraordinary choice of wording—because COVID-19 results from a virus. I’m sure that experts disagree on the best methodologies for warding off infection from a virus. But one thing that you certainly cannot do to escape it is to stay safe. Your only hope is to stay healthy.

Old Age, Death, or Something Else? The Meaning of Ecclesiastes 12:1–7

SI Filings ⁃

“My preference is to read the poem as a series of metaphors for death—together with its individual, communal, and cosmic implications—drawn from the created order, domestic life, commerce, and warfare.” - DBTS Blog

Global persecution of Christians rising; North Korea remains atop World Watch List

SI Filings ⁃

“This is the second consecutive year North Korea has been named the world’s worst country to be a Christian ….Others in the top 10 include Somalia (2), Libya (3), Eritrea (4) Yemen (5), Nigeria (6), Pakistan(7), Sudan(8), Iran (9).” - Baptist Paper


After 20 years, Terry Mattingly bids farewell to GetReligion

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“For the last 20 years, Mattingly has been best known as editor of GetReligion.org — a website dedicated to promoting and critiquing religion coverage in the mainstream media.” - RNS

Pew: Around 4 in 10 Americans have become more spiritual over time; fewer have become more religious

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“13% of U.S. adults say they have become less spiritual over time, while 33% say they have become less religious.” - Pew

How is Christian confidence different from worldly confidence?

SI Filings ⁃

“Christian confidence, at its heart, is a response to the Word of God. It is confidence that what God has said, He will do.” - Ligonier

7 Stabilizing Principles in a Chaotic World, Part 1

DOlinger ⁃

(Editor’s note: Written in 2018, but doesn’t seem to have lost any relevance!)

Many of my Christian friends are angry. Or afraid. Or both. At least, that’s the way it looks in their posts on social media.

And that’s too bad, for several reasons—

Gog and Magog

Ed Vasicek ⁃

Gog and Magog: do you know what modern nations would correspond to this? Or are they symbolical? Or nations we cannot identify? Perhaps Ezekiel refers to literal nations, while Revelation’s use of those terms is symbolical of nations rebelling against God? Here are the texts, your comments are welcome.

“Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him…

We Are Called to Persevere and Finish Well, to God’s Glory

SI Filings ⁃

“Charles Spurgeon said, ‘By perseverance, the snail reached the ark.’ This beautiful art illustrating Spurgeon’s words was created by Eden Kell” - Randy Alcorn

‘God made Trump’ appeals to a Christian Nationalism foreign to the Bible

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“while Christians should rightly stand up … there is a segment within the conservative movement that has proven susceptible to conflating their Christian and American identities.” - CPost

Hate the Sin and Love the Sinner?

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“Christians can be guilty of making pithy statements of a theological nature that require a lot of explanation for the phrase to be accurate. If an explanation is not offered, we are sometimes demanding a lot of the reader to put all the pieces together.” - Ref21

Don’t Underestimate Generational Changes—and the Need for Cultural Apologetics

SI Filings ⁃

“Today… the gospel remains the only lens through which my fellow Gen Zers will be able to see everything else. It’s where they can discover stable identities in a world of counterfeit “concepts of existence,” and it’s the power of God unto salvation.” - TGC

Richard Dawkins Admits: ‘May be Still Something for Me to Learn About Religion.’

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“Dawkins and [Ayaan Hirsi] Ali will be discussing her conversion at the upcoming Dissident Dialogues festival in New York City in May. Dawkins’s admission that there may be something for him to learn about religion is uncharacteristically humble.” - Daily Citizen

The Enigmatic Book of Hebrews (Part 2)

Paul Henebury ⁃

Read the series.

A Premillennial Reading of Hebrews (1)

A new kind of “evangelical”? We should not let politics obscure theological labels

SI Filings ⁃

“are these new evangelicals or not evangelicals?… one would be hard pressed to identify which section of David Bebbington’s Evangelicalism Quadrilateral (conversionism, biblicism, activism, crucicentrism) has room for the Proud Non-Churchgoers.” - WORLD

Al Mohler: “The Question of Presidential Immunity is Complicated”

SI Filings ⁃

“The first question is, should a president be immune from criminal prosecution? The answer to that has to be yes and no. And I think it’s going to be very difficult for a court to say exactly how yes and exactly how no” - Mohler

Wheaton College clarifies views on employees’ use of preferred pronouns

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“The College does not permit the statement of preferred personal pronouns by employees when conducting College business, when on a platform where they are publicly identified as College employees, and/or when using the College brand in print or digital media” - Baptist Paper

The New Atheists Paved the Way for Old Faith

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“Our culture has moved on, and sidelined this movement. So why did the movement fall apart? Why did it lose its appeal?” - Common Good

They Will Listen: Evangelistic Confidence in a Cynical Age

SI Filings ⁃

“In those three words, I’ve found a powerful prescription to fight the cynicism and discouragement I often feel in personal evangelism. Paul knew, no matter the present opposition, God’s gospel would find an audience.” - 9 Marks

Why You Should Understand ‘New Religious Movements’

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Review: ‘Christianity and New Religious Movements’ by Derek Cooper - TGC

Unboxing a New Work on Dispensationalism

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An early look at ‘Dispensationalism Revisited: A 21st Century Restatement’ - P&D

Is Forgiveness a Gift You Give Yourself?

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“Biblical forgiveness is a gift to the offender. We release another person’s debts for their sake and for Christ’s sake.” - CLeaders

This week in Christian history: Puritans apologize for Salem witch trials

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“This week marks the anniversary of when Puritans in Massachusetts held a day of fasting and repentance for their involvement in the Salem witch trials.” - CPost

Most adults cite MLK’s ‘positive impact’ ahead of 95th birthday, Pew finds

SI Filings ⁃

“In Pew’s study… 47 percent of said King left a ‘very positive’ impact on the nation, but only 38 percent said their own views on racial equality were influenced by King’s legacy a ‘great deal or a fair amount.’” - BPNews

Five Difficulties for Progressive Dispensationalism

Christopher Cone ⁃

There are at least five reasons that progressive dispensational (PD) represents a departure from a normative hermeneutic (literal grammatical historical) and reading of the Bible. The first two pertain to methodology in arriving at conclusions, and the latter three have to do with theological conclusions which are not exegetically derived.

The Complementary Hermeneutic Is a Departure from Fixed Meaning

Blaising and Bock recognize that methodology is definitive in the formation of PD, and acknowledge that PD is the result of a methodological departure from the hermeneutic of classical and revised dispensational thought, as they observe that,

DrCone.com Articles

SharperIron ⁃

Reposted from DrCone.com.