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Now That Took Faith!

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

As much as it might seem to stretch the barriers of time, I was taught to preach by a man who sat under the ministry of none other than Dr. Henry (Harry) Allan Ironside—the so-called “archbishop of fundamentalism.”

In fact, Dr. Ironside is my spiritual and theological grandfather on at least two different counts.

First, he was indeed the pastor of my practical theology professor in seminary—Dr. Ralph Turk, one of my own mentors. Dr. Turk spent his earliest years in The Moody Church, where Ironside served as pastor from 1930 to 1948.

An Open Letter to Your Church if You Have a “Rookie” Pastor

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“No matter what he faces in years to come, your early loving care for him will help keep his heart soft. If his first experience is a negative one, on the other hand, he may always be wondering when the proverbial ‘other shoe will drop.’” - Chuck Lawless

Financial Advice from a Dead Guy

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“In recent months, I’ve written about marriage and parenting advice “from a dead guy” (i.e., John Chrysostom, c. 347–407). In this post, I’m going to note a few comments about wealth and poverty from this same church father.” - John Aloisi

“Did you ever discover where Cain got his wife?”

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“The truth is—most Christians probably couldn’t answer these questions. And yet there are answers.” - Ken Ham

Arizona High Court’s 1864 abortion ban ruling likely to face ballot issue

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“The revival of an 1864 Arizona law criminalizing abortions for providers, expectant mothers and advertisers will likely face a November state ballot measure asking voters to enshrine abortion rights in Arizona’s constitution.” - Baptist Press

Related: Trump, Kari Lake oppose Arizona abortion ruling while pro-life leaders praise it - CPost

Do We Still Have God’s Words? The Preservation of Scripture (Part 1)

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“Jeremiah 36…. What’s to be done in response to the wanton and rebellious destruction of the sole existing manuscript of this divine revelation? God simply called for a rewrite.” - Layton Talbert

Inerrancy: An Ever-Relevant Doctrine, Part 1

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By Kenn Chipchase

Religious Change in America: They Buried the Lead

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“67% who left a faith tradition did so because they simply stopped believing in that religion’s teachings.” - Church & Culture

What Is a Reformed Baptist? Beliefs, History & Key Leaders to Know

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“The first congregation of Reformed Baptists (then called Particular Baptists) assembled in London by 1638. The movement was born out of the separatist movement of the English Reformation.” - Word by Word

Dan Darling, Richard Land join Ukrainian Baptist leaders in letter to House Speaker

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“The Russian government’s decision to invade Ukraine and to target Baptists and other evangelical Christians in Ukraine has been a tragic hallmark of the war.” - Baptist Press

Is Nicaea Enough? Protestant Reflections on the Nicene Creed and the Importance of Evangelical Theology

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“The biblical Christian will be simultaneously looking backward and forward. The biblical Christian will give thanks for past wisdom and will be looking forward to what is required in his or her own day.” - Christ Over All

MIT, Harvard professors admonish use of 'sex assigned at birth'

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“The professors also maintained that ‘sex assigned at birth’ can also suggest that there is no objective reality behind ‘male’ and ‘female,’ no biological categories to which the words refer.” - CPost

Interim National Representative Speaks at Bob Jones University

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“David Strope, interim national representative of the GARBC, ministered at Bob Jones University April 2–3, speaking in chapel services for both the university and seminary.” - GARBC

Conservative Christians praise Trump’s anti-abortion record but say he’s stopped short of the goal

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“Trump made clear Monday that he would not be leading the push for a federal abortion ban as he vies for his second term in the Oval Office.” - RNS


Trump fumbles badly on abortion - World Trump draws criticism, praise from pro-life groups after releasing his abortion stance - CPost

What’s the big deal about work?

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“At the height of World War 2, British novelist Dorothy Sayers wrote an influential essay… [on] the value and importance of the biblical doctrine of work….Her essay was a pivotal watershed for her nation in her day, and her insights are still important for the Church today.” - Baptist Press

What Comes after Transgender? Doctor Amputates Man’s Healthy Fingers

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“A doctor in Quebec “treated” a BIID [Body Identity Integrity Disorder] patient by amputating two of his healthy fingers. Otherwise, the patient was threatening to mutilate himself” - Humanize

It Is Time to Stop Celebrating Church Transfer Growth

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“my concern is that there exists a celebration culture of transfer growth that is not healthy. I will elaborate, but first, we need to define the ‘good’ growth, conversion growth.” - Church Answers

The Resurrection Body of Christ the Lord, Part 9

John C. Whitcomb ⁃

Read the series.

Our salvation by God’s infinite grace will be fully manifested when we behold our resurrected Savior in glory. Thus, “it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed” (Rom. 13:11, KJV).

What we have experienced, namely, full justification before God by faith, and what we are experiencing, namely, progressive sanctification, will be completed on that great day! “He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6).

Can I Tell an Unbeliever ‘Jesus Died for You’?

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“there are no evangelistic sermons in Acts where this precise language is used. If Peter and Paul could evangelize without saying ‘Jesus died for you,’ then you shouldn’t make it a litmus test for gospel orthodoxy.” - TGC

Political Participation is a Biblical Stewardship

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“People’s hearts and minds are not changed by politics. But political and social engagement do impact the environment in which we can freely spread the gospel, and that is a stewardship we must honor.” - P&D

Vatican blasts sex-change surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as violations of human dignity

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“The Vatican’s doctrine office issued ‘Infinite Dignity,’ a 20-page declaration that has been in the works for five years. After substantial revision in recent months, it was approved March 25 by Pope Francis” - AP

Russian Orthodox Church leader declares Ukraine invasion a ‘holy war'

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“The World Russian People’s Council, led by Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill… frames the war as a key moment in Russia’s battle against the ‘criminal Kiev regime’ and Western ‘Satanism,’ calling it a ‘special mlitary operation.’” - CPost

What Will It Be Like? Imagining the New Heavens & New Earth

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“C. S. Lewis… asks us to imagine that the world accessible to us right now is nothing more than a black-and-white pencil drawing done by an imprisoned mother trying to teach her child what things look like beyond the walls.” - Word by Word

Responding to Persecution (Part 2)

DOlinger ⁃

In my previous post I introduced the subject of persecution and how the early church responded to it. As explained there, I’d like to take this post to summarize and extend an excellent discussion of Paul’s teaching on the subject in 1 Thessalonians by Michael Martin in the New American Commentary volume on Thessalonians.

CHEW Draws Massive Crowd of Homeschoolers

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

The Christian Home Educators of Wisconsin conference has grown steadily over its three years of existence—nearly doubling since the first installment in 2022.

This Thursday and Friday, April 4 and 5, it drew roughly 3,300 attendees from homeschool-friendly families and ministries to the colossal Kalahari Resort in Baraboo, Wis.—near Wisconsin Dells. The days were jam-packed with activities of all kinds, for all ages.

Social Psychologist Finds Smartphones and Social Media Harm Kids in These Four Ways

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“In his latest book, The Anxious Generation, renowned social psychologist Jonathan Haidt argues smartphones and social media damage young people’s mental development — and contribute to Gen Z’s unprecedented levels of mental illness.” - Daily Citizen

The Heptads of Revelation

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“I was reading some old sermons on Revelation and came across a note that there are 19 heptads (seven things) in the book. I wanted to check this. Here is what I came up with.” - Matt Postiff

Awe and dread: How religions have responded to total solar eclipses over the centuries

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“Ahead of the total solar eclipse that will follow a long path over North America on Monday, here’s a look at how several of the world’s major religions have responded to such eclipses over the centuries and in modern times.” - AP

5 Symptoms of False Humility

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“First, let’s examine what humility is. In Matthew 19:30, Jesus said, “Many who are first will be last, and the last first.’” - Lifeway

Indiana appeals court upholds injunction on abortion ban, citing religious liberty

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“The Indiana Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court’s injunction on the state’s near-total abortion ban, giving another win to those who say the ban ignores their religious beliefs about when human life begins.” - RNS