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PRRI: “The Catholic Church saw the largest decline in religious affiliation of any religious group in 2023.”

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“A new PRRI survey shows that religiously unaffiliated Americans are the only group that has seen steady growth over the past decade — from 21% of all Americans in 2013 to 26% in 2023.” - RNS

SBC presidential candidates share positions in online discussion

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The four candidates “addressed issues such as sexual abuse reforms… a constitutional amendment calling for only males to serve as pastors of any kind, what is ‘friendly cooperation’ in the SBC and transparency among entities.” - Baptist Press

Hopeful Living in a Weary World

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Colin Hansen talks with Irwyn Ince, author of Hope Ain’t a Hustle: Persevering by Faith in a Wearying World (IVP). - TGC

Getting Back to Good Friday

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

Not too many people think much about Good Friday anymore.

There was a time when whole communities were virtually shut down on Good Friday afternoon. Businesses closed, or at least allowed their employees to attend church services. I’m sure some still do this—but I wonder how many people in the general public would even know what we mean when we talk about Good Friday.

The 3 Most Difficult Bosses and How to Beat Them

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“In general, surviving under difficult bosses involves a few universal strategies” - Phil Cooke

Steven Furtick's Elevation Church sent Easter seeker-friendly invites that omit 'resurrection,' 'Calvary'

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“ ‘When I think about how I’m going to talk about Easter, I’m thinking about how I’m going to talk to people far from God, because that’s the thing that matters most to us,’ Shearer said.” - CPost

Shame and the Cross: The Reality of Sin and Why Good Friday Is Good News

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“By His work, Jesus not only takes our guilt and exchanges it for His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21), but He also takes our shame and exchanges it for His honor.” - Breakpoint

The “God Bless the USA Bible” should never have been made

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“How unfortunate it is, then, for former President Trump during Holy Week to get on X and hawk the ‘God Bless the USA Bible.’ It markets itself as the ‘only Bible endorsed by President Trump!’” - World

U.S. Supreme Court Questions Whether Doctors Have Standing to Litigate Abortion Pill Case

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“The merits-based question before the Supreme Court this week was whether the FDA illegally lowered safety standards for the abortion pill, mifepristone. However, justices spent most of the hour-and-a-half-long hearing questioning whether the doctors met the standing requirements to sue” - Daily Citizen


The Ministry of Writing: A Historical Example and a Word of Encouragement

Micah Colbert ⁃

Richard Baxter was one of the most voluminous writers in English history. He authored between 141-200 books during his lifetime. As one of his biographers notes, “The influence of is books is incalculable: from the early 1650’s they enjoyed greater sales than those of any other English writer.”1

Holy Week, Wednesday The Anointing at Bethany – A Poem

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“I love the way Jesus responds to Mary’s beautiful, useless gesture and recognises it as something that is always worthwhile, something that will live forever, for all the carping and criticism of Judas, then and now.” - Malcolm Guite

A Tomb to Bury Doubt: How Easter Answers Our Questions

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“If a Christian told me he had never dealt with doubt, I wouldn’t believe him. Or at least I would respectfully conclude he was in denial, or lacked self-awareness, or wasn’t a serious-thinking person.” - Desiring God

What Is “Religion”?

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“The word first appears in the first century BCE in Roman culture, with the Latin word religio. At the time, it meant ‘scruples,’ the concern that some activity is important enough to be performed carefully.” - Psychology Today

“Vermont (75%), New Hampshire (66%) and Maine (66%) have the highest share of adults who say they never or seldom attend church or religious services”

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“Mississippi (32%), Alabama (36%) and Louisiana (37%) have the lowest share of adults who say they never or seldom attend services.” - Axios

Wyoming Enacts ‘Help Not Harm’ Bill Protecting Children from Transgender Medical Interventions

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“The bill … allow[s] for the revocation or suspension of the license of a doctor who provides minors with puberty blocking drugs, opposite-sex hormones and surgeries as a part of a ‘gender transition’ plan.” - Daily Citizen

Redeemed Imaginations

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“Shouldn’t creativity and imagination thrive in the digital age? Anyone can be an artist, musician, or storyteller these days….But what’s the point? What ultimately limits a culture of limitless self-expression is meaninglessness.” - Breakpoint

The Untold Story Behind the Hymn ‘Man of Sorrows’

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“ ‘Man of Sorrows’ was the last hymn Ira Sankey ever heard Bliss sing. Bliss’s name is on the top left and right of this hymn. The words and the tune came from him. The focus, however, is entirely on Jesus.” - TGC

Gallup: Church Attendance Has Declined in Most U.S. Religious Groups

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“Three in 10 U.S. adults attend religious services regularly, led by Mormons at 67%” - Gallup

When Society Collapses: Lessons from an Unlikely Prophet

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“What’s fascinating for our present purposes is how Hosea’s comments about his own culture mirror trends that have been developing in Western culture over the last several decades.” - Kyle Dunham

The Resurrection Body of Christ the Lord, Part 7

John C. Whitcomb ⁃

Read the series.

“All Israel” shall see their Lord and Savior, first by faith (in response to the preaching of the two witnesses of Revelation 11) and then (more than three years later) by physical sight at His second coming. Soon after that, they will behold Him serving them at the inaugural kingdom banquet! Our Lord told the Jews,

The Story of John Smyth: How Congregationalist Polity Led to Believer’s Baptism

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“Reading James R. Coggins well-researched monograph, John Smyth’s Congregation: English Separatism, Mennonite Influence, and the Elect Nation …provides a window through which to understand the origins of English Baptists out of the Puritan Separatist movement of the early seventeenth century.” - London Lyceum

‘AI’ Large Language Models’ Emergent Abilities Are a Mirage

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“A new study suggests that sudden jumps in LLMs’ abilities are neither surprising nor unpredictable, but are actually the consequence of how we measure ability in AI.” - Wired

Why Character Doesn’t Matter Anymore

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“part of the vulgarization of the Right is due to the Barstool Sports / Joe Rogan secularization of the base, in which Kid Rock is an avatar more than Lee Greenwood or Michael W. Smith. But much more alarmingly, the coarsening and character-debasing is happening among politicized professing Christians.” - Russel Moore

Don’t Give Up on Physical Bibles

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“I gave my son this Bible for two reasons. First, I wanted him to take a physical Bible to college. Second, I wanted him to experience, through all the visual clues, a fully used Bible—a sort of generational witness to the importance of keeping the faith.” - TGC

Adam Greenway files lawsuit against Southwestern Seminary

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“ ‘The defamation of Dr. Greenway has been widely publicized, resulting in severe damage to his reputation and rendering him unemployable in the professional capacity for which he is qualified,’ the lawsuit states.” - The Baptist Paper

Related: A feud over a coffeemaker and Christmas decor leads to another Southern Baptist lawsuit - RNS

What Are the Fundamental Doctrines of the Faith?

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“The historic five fundamentals remain an important aspect of fundamentalism’s history and heritage, though they are not exclusive identifying marks of the movement.” - P&D

What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism?

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By Andrés Reyes

Imagine that the mayor of your town comes to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Imagine you are the one to lead the mayor to Christ. What counsel would you give this new believer as the next steps of obedience in his or her newfound faith in Christ? Many of us would correctly instruct the mayor to attend a good church.

But would we say, “Christians should not be involved in politics” and tell the mayor to quit his or her job? No. We would rejoice that the mayor is a believer and would likely uphold that leadership position in Biblical ways. Maybe Proverbs 29:2 would come to mind: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School: Returning to Its Roots

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“this renewed relationship with the EFCA will foster a closer ethos alignment. Several aspects of this ethos stand out.” - TGC

Report: Abortions rise to highest rate in over a decade amid abortion pill spike

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Guttmacher Institute “reports that there were an estimated 1,026,690 abortions in the formal U.S. healthcare system in 2023, up 10% from 2020.” - CPost

Promise Keepers’ Event to Feature Charlie Kirk & Dr. Phil

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“Sure, celebrities can be a draw…But what happens when that celebrity that we’ve platformed and called people to follow lives in ways that contradict the teachings of Jesus?” - Roys Report