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The House Divided: An Assessment of the American Neo-Evangelicals’ Doctrine of Scripture

SI Filings ⁃

“Lindsell represents the evangelicals that saw inerrancy as a test for evangelical authenticity…. Henry saw inerrancy as a test for evangelical consistency rather than authenticity. Ramm … affirmed a broad concept of inerrancy but did not see it as either the test of authenticity or consistency. This particular issue would cause early cracks in the unity of the new evangelical movement.” - Themelios

If You’re Going to Stand, Now Is the Time

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

The United States was attacked in unprecedented waves of terrorism on Sept. 11, 2001. What followed was an immediate, passionate surge of patriotism, mingled with religious fervor. Many of us remember those days very clearly.

Our patriotism ran only so deep, however, and the spiritual connection was extremely shallow. After six months, the enthusiasm had largely faded away.

When Israel was attacked by Hamas in unprecedented waves of terrorism on Oct. 7, 2023, we would have expected a passionate surge of support for Israel, grounded in Biblical understanding.

Pew: In Tight Presidential Race, Voters Are Broadly Critical of Both Biden and Trump

SI Filings ⁃

“About half of voters say that, if given the chance, they would replace both candidates on the ballot.” - Pew

Roger Olson Is Feeling Some Nostalgia for Fundamentalism

SI Filings ⁃

“watching the film nevertheless ‘picked me up and transported me’ back in time to a time in my life when everything about life was simple, clear, uncomplicated, warm, meaningful, even exciting. God was real to us.” - Olson

Gender in Bible Translation: A Crucial Issue Still Mired in Misunderstanding

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“This article argues that much of the controversy surrounding gender in Bible translation is unnecessary. One reason is that many of the discussions about this issue have focused almost exclusively on the way nonliteral versions translate gender, giving insufficient attention to the way gender is handled in versions that identify as literal.” - Themelios

Dying on the Hill vs. Attacking Others on the Hill

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“Let’s consider the words of Christ when He was ‘dying on a hill.’” - P&D

Are nearly 100 million Americans really worshiping as part of a congregation each week?

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“Devin Pope didn’t think so either. Instead of relying on the answers people traditionally give to pollsters, Pope decided to use cellphone data to confirm who was really going. If a new study is accurate, people have been lying about going to church. A lot.” - Daily Citizen

A Review of Keith E. Durso’s ‘Thy Will Be Done: A Biography of George W. Truett’

Douglas K. Kutilek ⁃

Thy Will Be Done: A Biography of George W. Truett* by Keith E. Durso. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press, 2009. 377 pp., hardback.

From early in the 20th century until his death, George Washington Truett (1867-1944) was the most famous Baptist pastor in America and perhaps the most highly acclaimed preacher of any denomination. He pastored First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas for a remarkable 47 years, taking it from a moderate-sized congregation, to a megachurch with nearly 8,000 members, hundreds of annual baptisms, a Sunday School enrollment for a time exceeding 6,000, and extensive local, national and international ministries and influence.

Why do some Bible verses use the word “straw” to describe what is fed to animals?

SI Filings ⁃

“Straw has little sustenance value. Isiaah 11:7 says that the lion will eat straw like the ox. This translation grates on the nerves of a farmer, for every farmer knows that you do not feed straw to an ox” - Matt Postiff

Alternative Facts: Domitian’s Persecution of Christians

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“Despite a lack of evidence, Jones observes that the tradition concerning Domitian’s persecution persists: ‘From a frail, almost non-existent basis, it gradually developed and grew large.’ Thus the alternative facts sown by these ancient historians grew to a truism of Christian history.” - Biblical Archaeology Society

Most Pastors Are Healthy, and That’s Good for Churches

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“The pastor study posed six exclusive questions and 11 questions modified from the Harvard wellness project. Of those shared across the two studies, the average pastor score was higher on all but one question.” - Lifeway

10 Grievances about Study Bibles (& Which Are Best)

SI Filings ⁃

“Sure, a Bible may sell well if the celebrity whose name is on the cover has a large following. But I much prefer a study Bible with contributions from a team of scholars with diverse expertise.” - Word by Word

The Rich (And Everyone Else) Get Richer

SI Filings ⁃

“the meme is channeling a certain truth without really nailing the truth: the number of ‘lazy’ folks who are living for ‘free’ is in fact negligible—they are not necessarily the parasites the meme implies.” - L&L

Do We Still Have God’s Words? The Preservation of Scripture (Part 3)

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“In delivering the words he wanted us to have, God chose the supernatural means of divine inspiration and inscripturation. In preserving the words he wanted us to have, God chose the providential means of human transmission and translation.” - P&D

Shifting Partisan Coalitions in a Politically Divided Nation: Party identification among registered voters, 1994-2023

SI Filings ⁃

“More than six-in-ten White voters who do not have a four-year degree (63%) associate with the Republican Party, which is up substantially over the past 15 years. White college graduates are closely divided; this was not the case in the 1990s and early 2000s, when they mostly aligned with the GOP.” - Pew

Pastor Jack Graham endorses David Allen for SBC president

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“other individuals expected to be nominated for SBC president include: Clint Pressley, the lead pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina; Mike Keahbone, the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Lawton, Oklahoma; and Jared Moore, pastor of Cumberland Homesteads Baptist Church in Crossville, Tennessee.” - CPost

Pastor John Lindell apologizes for inviting Alex Magala, Mark Driscoll to men’s conference

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“Pastor John Lindell of James River Church in Missouri apologized to his congregation Sunday for inviting professional sword swallower Alex Magala and Pastor Mark Driscoll to the church’s Stronger Men’s Conference” - CPost

Also: ‘I Take Full Responsibility’—John Lindell Apologizes for Inviting Mark Driscoll and Alex Magala - Church Leaders

The Path to Contentment

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“no one is perfectly content to be the richest, most beautiful, or fastest either. Why? Because they know their time will soon be up” - Challies

The Faculty of Impromptu Speech, Part 1

Guest ⁃

From Lectures to My Students: A Selection from Addresses Delivered to the Students of The Pastors’ College, Metropolitan Tabernacle

First Series, Lecture X
By C.H. Spurgeon

Read the series.

What style of preaching does your church feature?

Ed Vasicek ⁃

Types of sermons can be defined with numerous variations, subdivisions, and hybrids. In this poll, we are asking which style your church features MOST. Few pastors, for example, always preach expository sermons — but many mostly do. Here are our definitions:

Expository preaching — can involved several verses, a paragraph, chapters, or even section of a Biblical book. Can be “book by book” or a series on a section of a book or a one time paragraph/section. The idea here is that the main idea of the text is the main idea of the sermon. The passage is both exposited (interpreted based upon how it ties together) and applied.

The Department of Education’s Title IX Regulations

SI Filings ⁃

“On Friday, the U.S. Department of Education released updated regulations for Title IX. The result is bad for parents, potentially harmful for children, and turns the protections for young women on their head.” - Breakpoint

Related: Riley Gaines, Fourth-Wave Feminism and the Battle for Women’s Sports - Daily Citizen

The Art of Extemporaneous Preaching: Lessons from Charles Spurgeon

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“the words are extemporal, as I think they always should be, but the thoughts are the result of research and study” - Desiring God

Climate Anxiety Paralyzes. Gospel Hope Propels.

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“Pessimistic language is a growing feature of popular culture…. ‘doomslang,’ a category that includes terms like ‘doomscrolling,’ ‘bed rotting,’ and ‘dumpster fire.’ Montell argues the casual adoption of apocalyptically negative language is affecting mental health.” - TGC

Hymns for the Attributes of God

SI Filings ⁃

“Church Works Media has a helpful resource for pastors and those who plan worship services: a topical list of hymns. In a similar spirit, I wanted to share a list of hymns that we either sang or considered singing in connection to a series I preached on the attributes of God.” - DBTS Blog

House’s Ukraine, Israel aid package moving ahead as Speaker Johnson fights to keep his job

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“Speaker Johnson has shown remarkable courage and commendable leadership in moving forward with these bills, despite ongoing political pressure. We now urge other lawmakers to act swiftly in passing such a package to save innocent lives.” - Baptist Press

The Resurrection Body of Christ the Lord, Part 10

John C. Whitcomb ⁃

Read the series.

Our Lord gave special significance to the last meal He shared with His disciples. He said, “I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God” (Luke 22:16 KJV). During that meal, “he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves: for I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come” (vv. 17-18).

Who Believes in the Prosperity Gospel?

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“There are two questions that tap into some of the basic tenets of prosperity theology. To what extent did you read the Bible to learn about attaining wealth or prosperity? To what extent did you read the Bible to learn about attaining health or healing?” - Ryan Burge

Israelis grapple with how to celebrate Passover, a holiday about freedom, while many remain captive

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“When Hamas attacked Kibbutz Be’eri, Gat, his wife, 3-year-old daughter, parents and sister hid for hours in their rocket-proof safe room. But fighters entered the house and killed or abducted everyone inside, except for his father who hid in the bathroom. His mother was dragged into the street and shot.” - RNS

A Review of D. Brent Sandy’s ‘Hear the Word of the Lord: What We Miss When We Only Read the Bible’

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“Given that fact, and given the fact that Sandy’s book failed to give even one new insight into Scripture that is traceable to the recovering of orality, I felt safe to conclude that I was reading a good exponent of poor ideas.” - Mark Ward

“The secret to political integrity and discernment for Christians is a high view of God.”

SI Filings ⁃

“They did not collapse the transcendence of God into the immanence of political exigency. And it was that very concern for the transcendent that made them wise actors in the world of the immanent.” - Carl Truman