“until we start staying no to some things, we’ll never have time to pursue the really important things.” - Phil Cooke
The Principle of the Open Hand
There is a dynamic that each of us must learn by experience that has the power to transform our understanding of the Christian life. I call it the principle of the open hand.
I have tried to determine who first enunciated this concept. Apparently, it traces to Martin Luther, who stated: “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.”
Apparently, Corrie Ten Boom—one of the great Christian heroes who arose through the horrors of the Holocaust—loved that quote and added her own twist, saying: “I have learned to hold all things loosely, so God will not have to pry them out of my hands.”
Do We Still Have God’s Words? The Preservation of Scripture (Part 2)
“…we don’t necessarily need an explicit doctrine of preservation to believe and expect it; there are other theological arguments that support it.” - P&D
Gallup: Cannabis Use Greatest Among Lower-Income and Less Educated
“Adults younger than 50, for example, are twice as likely as those aged 65 and older to be regular cannabis users (12% vs. 6%, respectively). Men (11%) are marginally more likely than women (8%) to be regular consumers” - Gallup
Why Gentile Inclusion Doesn’t Affirm Same-Sex Marriage
“…far from placing anyone beyond God’s mercy, these texts help us see that every human is invited into Jesus’s kingdom on the same basis.” - TGC
Southern Baptists More Historic Than Nationalist in Their Political Posture
“A Lifeway Research study finds Southern Baptists broadly embrace conservative political ideology but also support religious liberty for all Americans and a government that does not favor any specific religion.” - Lifeway
GARBC Council of 18 has recommended Clare Jewell for new National Representative
“The Council of 18 is pleased to announce its recommendation of Clare Jewell as the national representative of the GARBC. Clare will be presented as the candidate for this role during the Regular Baptist Ministries Conference June 24–27 in Elgin, Illinois.” - FBC Niles
The Conspiracists
“these theories flatter—they can help people feel insightful or powerful or as if they are a part of something. They provide easy, lightly researched answers to deep anxieties. They can also give people “permission” to deflect responsibility for challenges in their own lives” - Public Discourse
Why Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel is globally significant
“Why, then, is Iran at war with Israel? And why is this question so significant for America and the global future?” - Denison
How not to comfort the mourning: Hospital chaplain J.S. Park talks grief in new book
“…working as an interfaith chaplain at a Level 1 trauma center in Tampa, Florida, has taught him that grief is less about letting go and moving on, and more about letting in and moving with.” - RNS
“...it is astonishing to see how frequently people engaged in material scientific research glibly pass over the philosophical presuppositions of their own work.”
All Truth Is God’s Truth - R.C. Sproul
When Elders Disagree: A Pathway for Pastoral Conflicts
“When instincts differ among elders on the same team, what can we do? How can we preserve plurality, honor divergent views, and shepherd in harmony with fellow elders?” - Desiring God
Is Dispensationalism Dying? (Part 2)
Read Part 1.
Continuing my personal assessment of the state of Dispensationalism, here are four more factors:
6. Lack of grounded, holistic Dispensationalist Systematics
I referred to this above but it bears a little more investigation. Dispensational Systematic Theologies don’t exactly grow on trees. And this is unusual amid the general popularity of Systematic Theology in evangelical circles. Here are the major Dispensational works that I am aware of:
How God Is Present With Us at Work
“He works through us to love our neighbor; he works in and through and with us in his presence to meet our neighbors’ needs….Work is a response to the work that he did for us.” - IFWE
Forced Conversions of Christians in India
“Article 25 of India’s constitution guarantees freedom of religion, affirming ‘Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.’ In practice, however, there is significant religious persecution…” - Providence
TGC Announces New List of ‘Best Commentaries’
“TGC Council members, staff, and expert writers have worked together to compile an annotated list of the best commentaries on each Bible book.” - TGC
U.K.’s Review of Child Gender Policy Reveals Profound Failures That U.S. Still Defends
“The Cass Report provides a scathing assessment of the gender-affirming approach in general, and the gender-clinic model of care, which operationalized this approach of on-demand provision of gender-reassignment interventions, in particular.” - Daily Citizen
Churches are finding ways to use pickleball’s growing popularity to share the gospel, build community
“Some find the constant pop of the wiffle ball batted about by oversized ping pong paddles annoying. Others see a sport encouraging exercise, multigenerational competition, and camaraderie.” - Baptist Press
Anti-Semitism is Horrible Sin
“Today’s anti-Semitism is a propaganda machine fed by religious hatred and misinformation. Christians not only must avoid being consumed by it, but also must stand against it.” - P&D
Pew research: 9 facts about U.S. Catholics
“About three-in-ten U.S. Catholics (28%) say they attend Mass weekly or more often. Larger shares of Catholics say they pray on a daily basis (52%) and say religion is very important in their life (46%).” - Pew
Some Evangelicals Want a Third-Party Option, Even Without a Chance at Winning
“The American Solidarity Party is a small but growing alternative to the Trump-Biden race.” - Christianity Today
American Bible Society poll: Increasing share of young adults say the Bible has transformed their lives
ABS “released the first installment of its State of the Bible USA2024 report Thursday. The first chapter … examines the incidence of Bible usage and Bible reading in the United States in addition to sampling respondents’ views on the effects of the Bible on their lives.” - CPost
Doug Wilson holds forum to try to mend relationship with Moscow, Idaho community
“As he spoke some members from the audience jeered, many carrying signs that read ‘Christ Church Not Welcome Here’ and [worse things].” - RNS
How We Worshipped One Sunday in April 2024
Churches worship in a variety of ways—some good, others … not so good. The “right way to worship” question often ends up at a discussion of the regulative vs. normative principles. Here, I’ll do something different. I’ll simply describe how our congregation worshipped one Sunday in April 2024. Perhaps it will help you. Perhaps it will encourage you. Maybe it will give you some ideas. Maybe it’ll let you know what not to do! But here it is.
This is our service order:
Call to worship
NAIA Bans Males From Competing in Women’s Sports
“The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics …. Council of Presidents unanimously (25-0) adopted the official ‘Transgender Participation Policy.’” - Daily Citizen
Give Them Time: How to Protect the Assuring Nature of a Child’s Baptism
“I walked down the aisle, shook the preacher’s hand, and professed faith in Christ. A few weeks after that scary walk, I had the scarier experience of being baptized one Sunday morning with a bunch of other people. I was officially saved.” - 9 Marks
The FAQs: Southern Baptists Debate Designation of Women in Ministry
“The debate concerns a proposed amendment to the SBC constitution referred to as the ‘Law amendment’ (named after Michael Law, who proposed the amendment)” -TGC
Four Ways God Used a Church Fire for Good
“On November 1, 2022, our church building burned down. Not one part was salvageable. The fire swept through the attic at astonishing speed. Not a single notepad or paper clip remained.” - 9 Marks