“They are particularly significant today because even professing evangelicals, to say nothing of the culture around us, are being tempted to abandon the gospel. Therefore, the church must recognize the dire need of not only defending the five solas but also celebrating them.” - Ligonier
Let’s Praise Progress on Religious Freedom. Start with These Countries.
“Four Muslim-majority nations deserve our support and engagement, as an alliance of 33 other nations finds its voice.” - CToday
“Ramsey's rent rant exposes deficit in financial peace”
“Ultimately, Ramsey’s motto, ‘If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else,’ is not worth the paper it is printed on for Christian who don’t understand that it is freedom from money as a master, not getting out of debt, that really matters. ” - CPost
Preparing for the AI tsunami: The vital issue in answering if we should be afraid of AI (pt 3)
“If there are no spiritual and ethical boundaries in the minds of the brilliant people developing this technology, there is indeed much to fear.” - CPost
An Immoral Proposal: A Case Against Embryonic Stem Cell Research (Part 2)
Read Part 1.
Why Should We Oppose Embryonic Stem Cell Research?
Opponents to embryonic stem cell research usually present four arguments against it. I’d like to survey these four arguments and then add a fifth.
Younger Evangelicals More Likely Than Older to Want In-Depth Sermons, Survey Finds
“Some people have advocated for short sermons for the younger generation … with the idea being that younger adults have shorter attention spans. Yet only 10 percent of evangelicals under age 40 would prefer shorter sermons at their church.” - C.Leaders
“ ...the obvious brokenness makes creation’s general kindness all the more impressive.”
On What We Learn from Looking Around, Part 4: TLC - Olinger
Why Traditional Religion Is Dwindling in America
“I can’t say exactly when, most Americans simply lost any sense of being sinful, of needing forgiveness. Most don’t think they are bad…. they will admit to having faults, but basically they think they are ‘good people’ and so are most others.” - Roger Olson
The 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Follow Jesus in 2022
“Latest report on Christian persecution finds Nigeria has 4 in 5 martyrs, China has 3 in 5 church attacks, and Afghanistan is now worse than North Korea.” - CToday
Supreme Court to hear case of praying football coach
“Former Bremerton High School coach …. After games had ended and after both teams’ players and coaches met at midfield to shake hands, Kennedy would kneel and offer a silent or quiet prayer.” - BPNews
Related: Supreme Court to Debate Football Coach’s Prayers
Wisconsin high court to hear parents’ challenge to school district's gender transition policy
“Parents suing a Wisconsin school district over a policy that allows officials to withhold knowledge of students’ efforts to change their gender identity from their families will have their case brought before the state supreme court.” - CPost
Successful And Unhappy (How Can It Be?)
“Is it because we aren’t living up to our true potential? Or is it because our perspective about work lacks a redemptive and creative—or biblically-shaped—imagination?” - Scott Sauls
NEWSFLASH: Nearly the entire other thread is Off Topic.
“The source of the problem, ultimately, is a general sense, born out of sentiments endemic in broader culture, and perpetuated at times in Christian homes and churches, that cultivating discipline and developing a work ethic are somehow dangerous, legalistic, or antithetical to the Christian Gospel. This is patently false.” - Snoeberger
California drops Aztec prayers from ethnic studies curriculum after parents file suit
“The curriculum included … the ‘In Lak Ech Affirmation,’ which invoked five Aztec deities. Although labeled as an ‘affirmation,’ it addressed the deities both by name and by their traditional titles, recognized them as sources of power and knowledge, invoked their assistance, and gave thanks to them.” - CPost
The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism
“American evangelicalism is deeply divided. Some evangelicals have embraced the secular turn toward social justice activism…Old alliances are dissolving.” - First Things
“...the Bible is not anti-science. Rather, the Bible explains why science works.”
“every once in a while, the Bible offers an insight that sheds further light on an unsolved question of science. That seems to be the case with the Assyrian destruction of Lachish, an event recorded in the book of Kings.” - Stonestreet & Leander
An Immoral Proposal: A Case Against Embryonic Stem Cell Research (Part 1)
In the eighteenth century, an Irish minister by the name of Jonathan Swift wrote a powerful satire, entitled, “A Modest Proposal.” In the most serious language, Swift suggested that Irish babies be sold for food, and that their skin be used as a kind of soft leather. As a result, there would be fewer mouths to feed, more food to go around, and a new industry that would create many jobs. This was his ‘modest’ proposal. In reality, Swift did not intend what he was recommending. Actually, he was attacking a common philosophy of the day, called “utilitarianism.” This philosophy taught that “the ends justify the means.” A moral act can be justified if gives the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.
Preaching the Dream: 5 important speeches by Martin Luther King Jr.
“Some of these words were spoken at large civil rights gatherings, while others were given within the sanctuaries of churches.” - CPost
The problem of moral evil: Calvinism vs. Molinism
“As to each of the men’s positions, White is a reformed theologian (i.e., a Calvinist) while Craig espouses Molinism. Both affirmed the Westminster Confession of Faith’s stand on God and evil (section 5.4).” - CPost
No, Religious Freedom Doesn’t Send People to Hell
“…this kind of argument against religious freedom is a familiar one—usually in reference to somebody else’s religion.” - Russel Moore
Book Review: “The Intolerance of Tolerance” by D. A. Carson
“This older view of tolerance makes three assumptions: … (3) nevertheless they hold that the best chance of uncovering the truth of the matter, or the best chance of persuading most people with reason and not with coercion, is by the unhindered exchange of ideas” - Denison Forum
You Cannot Help but Worship
“There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.” - GARBC Commentary
10 Best Church Accounting Software Solutions of 2022
“…while most accounting software is set up for the needs of businesses and requires some basic knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping. Church accounting software, by contrast, is typically geared toward non-accountants, making it easier to use.” - The Lead Pastor
The Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew (Part 7)
Read the series.
The Image and the Great Tribulation
It is usual for Dispensationalists to divide the seventieth week of Daniel 9; a week that lasts for seven years, into two halves of three and a half years each. There are good reasons for this which we shall discuss, but this clean division is not as apparent when one concentrates solely on the Olivet Discourse. The passage continues like this:
Supreme Court blocks COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses, allows mandate for health workers
“… the high court concluded that ‘healthcare facilities that wish to participate in Medicare and Medicaid have always been obligated to satisfy a host of conditions that address the safe and effective provision of healthcare’ ” - CPost
See also: NR: Why We Saw a Split Decision on the Biden Vaccine Mandates
Judge dismisses challenge to Connecticut law ending religious vaccine exemption
“U.S. District Court Judge Janet Bond Arterton said the plaintiffs failed to prove state’s decision to end the exemption was ‘motivated by any religious animus.’” - RNS
Lifeway embraces future of work with upcoming move to new ‘teaming space’
“Mandrell said employees will continue to work remotely the majority of the time and will come to the building for collaborative work. With Lifeway’s work-from-anywhere culture, he said they decided to forgo a traditional office-space model” - BPNews
Virtual Vocation: is being an internet influencer a true vocation, in the Christian sense of that term?
“the intrinsic value of work cannot be reduced to its monetary value. Farmers, factory workers, the people who pick up our garbage, and others who perform services vital to our physical existence are doing far more important tasks than celebrities…and yet they are paid far, far less.” - Veith
Nine Questions to Ask Before Visiting Someone in the Hospital
“When I started pastoring… I just went. In most cases, a simple ministry of presence is the key. However, there are some strategic questions to ask before visiting someone in the hospital.” - Sam Rainer
Sacrilege and Blasphemy
“I don’t want to get into the specifics of the incident here, we hope the controversy brought about by the controversy will ultimately produce light rather than the heat of yet another conflagration on the internet. It might help, though, if we understand what sacrilege and blasphemy are.” - Don Johnson