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American Bible Society cites top 2021 trends, previews 2022

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“In previewing the 2022 report, the ABS promised the most robust study ever, reaching those not apt to engage in online studies through a new partnership with the National Opinion Research Center.” - BPNews

‘Twas the night before Christmas’ helped make the modern Santa – and led to a literary whodunit

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“Santa Claus had undergone many makeovers in the Western imagination by the time readers were introduced to ‘Twas the Night before Christmas.’ Some scholars argue that the idea of a magical being bringing gifts and good cheer can be traced all the way back to the Greek goddess Artemis.” - The Conversation

Pray It Till You Feel It

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“We don’t always pray from proper feelings. However, when we pray the Scriptures, we pray ignited prayers—even if they begin with indifferent hearts.” - TGC

The Artist Was Finished

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

Norma Whitcomb loved to view her life as the work of “the Master Artist.”1

Art was very important to her. She studied, taught and practiced it, but—more than that—it really defined her life. And she certainly had many colorful experiences!

Norma grew up during the Great Depression and World War II. She married two veterans of that war, providing each with a loving home and serving alongside each of them in two very different ministries.

David Strope Appointed Interim GARBC National Representative

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“The Council of Eighteen has begun the search process for the next permanent national representative. Further details will be released as the process unfolds.” - GARBC

Missing Papyri Professor Must Return $7 Million to Hobby Lobby

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“Dirk Obbink…. dodged the private investigators trying to serve him a legal summons in August and September and failed to answer the official letter notifying him that he was required to respond to allegations he had defrauded Hobby Lobby by selling the craft store $7 million worth of ancient papyri that he didn’t actually own.” - C.Today

As Jews pray on Temple Mount, status quo in Jerusalem’s holiest site begins to shift

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“A group that advocates for Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount reported that more than 10,000 Jewish worshippers had visited it between September and November in violation of an agreement between Israel and Jordan — an increase of 80% compared with recent years.” - RNS

Why I Don’t Think Jesus Was Born in a Stable (and Why It Matters)

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“While kataluma (which is most often translated as “inn”) can be used to refer to a hotel-type lodging, it can also just refer to the upper room of a house….And when the baby came, he was laid in a manger on the main level of the home, since there was no more space for anyone to lay down in the upper room” - C.Leaders

Why the Tax-Exempt Mansion of One of the Wealthiest American Preachers Is Under Scrutiny (Again)

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“…critics claim the organization—and many others—takes advantage of loopholes and vaguely worded clergy-housing allowances, shifting tax burdens to other residents.” - C.Leaders

Who were the Magi?

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“Are they star-gazers? Of course. But not just that. New sky-watching events happen from time to time, but it doesn’t usually make people leave their homelands and travel hundreds of miles searching for a child born as king.” - P&D

Scientists take a stand against ‘woke math’

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“In the statement, the scientists explain why woke math will not only erode American competitiveness globally, it will also hold many students back from achievement and success.” - C.Post

A Christmas Question

Guest ⁃

Sermon 291 by C. H. Spurgeon, delivered on Sunday, December 25th, 1859 at Exeter Hall, Strand.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.”—Isaiah 9:6.

Upon other occasions I have explained the main part of this verse—”the government shall be upon his shoulders, his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God.” If God shall spare me, on some future occasion I hope to take the other titles, “The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” But now this morning the portion which will engage our attention is this, “Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given.” The sentence is a double one, but it has in it no tautology. The careful reader will soon discover a distinction; and it is not a distinction without a difference. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given.” As Jesus Christ is a child in his human nature, he is born, begotten of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary. He is as truly-born, as certainly a child, as any other man that ever lived upon the face of the earth. He is thus in his humanity a child born. But as Jesus Christ is God’s Son, he is not born; but given, begotten of his Father from before all worlds, begotten—not made, being of the same substance with the Father. The doctrine of the eternal affiliation of Christ is to be received as an undoubted truth of our holy religion. But as to any explanation of it, no man should venture thereon, for it remaineth among the deep things of God—one of those solemn mysteries indeed, into which the angels dare not look, nor do they desire to pry into it—a mystery which we must not attempt to fathom, for it is utterly beyond the grasp of any finite being. As well might a gnat seek to drink in the ocean, as a finite creature to comprehend the Eternal God. A God whom we could understand would be no God. If we could grasp him he could not be infinite: if we could understand him, then were he not divine. Jesus Christ then, I say, as a Son, is not born to us, but given. He is a boon bestowed on us, “For God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten Son into the world.” He was not born in this world as God’s Son, but he was sent, or was given, so that you clearly perceive that the distinction is a suggestive one, and conveys much good truth to us. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given.”

Research: Religious Americans Less Likely to Divorce

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“Recent data suggests that faithful young adults can marry in their 20s without increasing the risk of separation.” - CToday

Pew: Americans on offensive speech: people are too sensitive, but people are also too offensive

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“About two-thirds of U.S. adults (65%) say that ‘people being too easily offended’ is a major problem in the country today, while a slimmer majority – 53% – say that ‘people saying offensive things to others’ is a major problem” - Pew

Why We’re Still Confronting the Same Christmas Heresy as St. Nick

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“Saint Nicholas, a historical precursor figure for Santa Claus, is said to have attended the First Council of Nicea in A.D. 325… Additional legends assert Nicholas became so enraged by the comments of Arius, who taught Jesus was not equal to God the Father, he slapped Arius across the face.” - Lifeway

Related at CT: Taking the Trinitarian Christ out of Christmas

‘Our Building Is Not the Church. We Are’—The Faith Stories Coming Out of Friday’s Devastating Tornado Damage

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“After an unprecedented swarm of tornadoes caused widespread devastation Friday, residents of hard-hit areas gathered Sunday to worship God, offer encouragement, and help meet needs. More than 50 twisters—including one with a 200-mile path—caused significant tornado damage in eight states.” - C.Leaders

15 strategies for reading more as a leader

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“Leaders should be readers. Here are some ways for busy Christian leaders to do more reading” - Chuck Lawless

Love Biblical Theology, but Don’t Neglect Systematic Theology

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“…current intrachurch debates have exposed a theological vulnerability in a too-dominant biblical theology. Believers today know far too little of all that God says about the issues we face.” - TGC

Evangelism in a Post-Christian Culture

Micah Colbert ⁃

Times Have Changed

Maryland can’t bar Christian school from voucher program over beliefs on sexuality, judge rules

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“A federal judge has ruled that Maryland unlawfully discriminated against a Christian school due to its traditional views on marriage and gender identity when the state denied it access to a voucher program.” - CPost

“We cannot know it all, but we can know—and experience—what he has revealed of himself.”

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“God, in grace, has revealed himself in his Word and in his works, and the fact that he’s infinite doesn’t mean that trying to understand and know him is a fool’s errand.” - Olinger

Supreme Court again leaves state vaccine mandate in place for health care workers

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“The U.S. Supreme Court has turned away a challenge to New York state’s vaccine mandate for health care workers — a mandate that provides no exceptions for religious objectors. The vote was 6-3.” - NPR

Related: NR: Barrett and Kavanaugh Supply Another Majority to Deny Religious-Liberty Exemption

Churches Starting to See Cryptocurrency in the Collection Plate

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“As digital monetary systems go mainstream, ministries weigh pros and cons of accepting donations.” - CToday

Should we counsel an unbeliever?

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“Consider how we might talk to our own unbelieving children. Do we wait to talk to them about wisdom issues until they repent and believe? Of course not!” - DBTS

Christian finance expert Dave Ramsey sued for religious discrimination

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“A former Ramsey employee says his religious beliefs teach him to trust science and protect his family. That allegedly put him in conflict with his COVID-skeptic boss.” - RNS

SCOTUS: Vax Mandate for Possible Health Reasons but Not Religious Reasons

Larry ⁃

Today, SCOTUS denied a temporary injunction against the Maine health care workers vaccine mandate that would have maintained the status quo until it could be heard in court. Andrew McCarthy writes about it here. Even though the rationale for a stay was strong since the complainants were likely to win on the merits, would suffer irreparable harm in loss of jobs and practices, and were simply asking for the status quo to continue while the case wound its way through the courts, six justices denied the stay.

Letting CRT break the Church is foolish and misguided

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“Opinions on critical race theory are rarely what truly divide Christians. It’s our fear that those with differing opinions on this issue are not merely mistaken, but violating scriptural essentials. This sense is dangerous, says Dr. Carl Trueman” - CPost

Russell Moore defamation lawsuit withdrawn by Georgia pastor Mike Stone

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“The complaint was dismissed without prejudice Friday by U.S. District Court Judge William Campbell. That dismissal came a week before the deadline for Moore to file a response to Stone’s initial complaint” - RNS

2021 Continued to Drive More Readers to Scripture

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“Many continue to turn to Scripture more frequently now than before the COVID-19 pandemic began last year.” - RNS

Barna research: 31% of Americans experience loneliness daily; 1 in 5 practicing Christians say the same

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“For U.S. adults who experienced loneliness at least once within the past week, more than 40% of that group said the feelings of loneliness ranged from intense to unbearable.” - CPost