Andrew Aird is a Bible student, Sunday School teacher, and 1990 graduate of Bob Jones University. He works in the transportation industry, which provides ample time for biblical research projects.
Dave Mallinak Bio
Dave Mallinak became the pastor of Berean Baptist Church of Ogden, Utah, in 2001, following the tragic death of their pastor. He has blogged extensively about the subject of abuse among Independent Baptists, especially in the broader circles of Jack Hyles and his disciples. A sampling of articles from more than a decade ago can be accessed here, here, and here.
Joshua Peglow Bio
Josh Peglow is in the final semester of a Bachelor in Bible and Theology at Shasta Bible College and Graduate School. He lives in Western Washington and has two grown children. He is a member of Scandia Bible Church in Poulsbo Washington.
Phil Golden Bio
Phil Golden Jr. grew up in a pastor’s home and felt God’s leading into the ministry at a young age. He is currently pastor of Bible Baptist Church of Pittsburgh.
Paul Scharf 2019 Bio
Paul J. Scharf (M.A., M.Div., Faith Baptist Theological Seminary) is a church ministries representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, serving in the midwest. He also assists Whitcomb Ministries and writes for “Answers” Magazine and Regular Baptist Press. For more information on his ministry, visit or email
Kyle Dunham Bio
Kyle C. Dunham is the associate professor of Old Testament at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary in Allen Park, Michigan. He has been at DBTS since 2016. Prior to coming to DBTS, Dr. Dunham served from 2011–2016 as the Associate Professor of Old Testament and registrar at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. Previously he was adjunct professor at The Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, California, and at Northland International University in Dunbar, Wisconsin.
Jay Camp Bio
Jay holds a MA and a BA in Pastoral Studies from Bob Jones University and Northland Baptist Bible College (later Northland International University). He and his wife serve at a church in New York in many different capacities.
David Mappes Bio
David Mappes (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) teaches courses in New Testament and theology at Liberty University, Clarks Summit University, and Temple Baptist Seminary, and is director of Noble & Knowable Truth Ministries.
Alf Cengia bio
Alf Cengia has a keen interest in politics (especially the Middle East), is a collector of books and dabbles in weight training. He is stepfather to Michelle, Sammy’s chief walker and his wife’s favorite coffee maker. He blogs at Zeteo316 and Thoughts on Eschatology.
Myron Houghton Bio 2020
Myron J. Houghton, now retired, was the Senior Professor of Systematic Theology and director of the Master of Arts Theological Studies program at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary. He taught at Denver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary before coming to Faith in 1983. His earned degrees include BA, Pillsbury Baptist Bible College; BD, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary; ThM, Grace Theological Seminary; PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary; MLA, Southern Methodist University; MA St. Thomas Theological Seminary; ThD, Concordia Seminary.
Doug Brown 2020 Bio
Douglas Brown (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the academic dean and senior professor of Biblical Studies at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary. He has taught at Faith since 1999 and serves as an assistant pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Cambridge, Iowa.
Christopher Cone Bio 2020
Christopher Cone, Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D, serves as President and CEO of AgathonEDU Educational Group and leads Vyrsity and Colorado Biblical University. Dr. Cone has served as a President, a Chief Academic Officer, and a Research Professor and has served in several pastoral teaching roles. His articles are published at
Forrest McPhail Bio
Forrest has served as a missionary in Buddhist Cambodia in Southeast Asia since 2000. He presently serves as the Asia/Australia/Oceania regional director for Gospel Fellowship Association missions. He enjoys writing and teaching on missions and the Buddhist worldview. He and his wife, Jennifer, have 4 children.
Ken Rathbun Bio 2021
Ken Rathbun serves as Vice President for Academic Services and Dean of the College, as well as Adjunct Faculty and Interim Director of Online Learning at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary.
John Whitcomb 2020
Dr. John C. Whitcomb (1924-2020) founded Whitcomb Ministries, Inc. He served as professor of Old Testament and theology for 60 years and is widely recognized as a leading biblical scholar. The book he coauthored with the late Dr. Henry Morris in 1961, The Genesis Flood, has been credited as one of the major catalysts for the modern biblical creationism movement. Dr. Whitcomb’s broadcasts, sermons, lectures and writings are available at SermonAudio.
Tom Howard Bio 2022
Tom Howard earned a BA in English from Pensacola Christian College, an MBA in marketing from the University of Dayton, and an MDiv from Baptist Bible Seminary (now Clarks Summit University). Tom and his wife have been married since 1997, and they have four children.
Thomas Overmiller 2022 Bio
Thomas Overmiller pastors Brookdale Baptist Church in Moorhead, MN and previously served as pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Corona, Queens, New York. He blogs at Shepherd Thoughts. He received his BA and MA from Baptist College of Ministry and Theological Seminary in Wisconsin, where he served on Bible faculty for nine years. He has received advanced graduate training from Maranatha Seminary.
David Wenkel Bio 2022
David H. Wenkel lives in the Chicago area with his wife and children. He holds a PhD in NT theology from Univ. of Aberdeen, Scotland, as well as ThM and MA from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He serves as Research Fellow in New Testament at LCC International University (Lithuania).
In Praise of Traditional Marital Roles
“As American wives increasingly outearn their husbands, many couples experience what relationship coach Suzanne Venker calls ‘role-reversal stress.’ This stress can be deleterious for their emotional and sexual lives, three studies published in the American Sociological Review suggest” - IFS
Pew: Biden’s job rating is similar to Trump’s but lower than that of other recent presidents
“Nearly two years into his presidency, Joe Biden’s job rating stands at 38% – identical to Donald Trump’s approval rating at a similar point in his presidency, but lower than those of some other recent presidents in the run-up to their first midterm election.” - Pew
Suicide and the Church
“The prevailing idea is that the Christian faith is to be a faith of joy, making depression a sin….As a result, depressed people have been riddled with guilt, have hidden in shame, and have been afraid to surface in order to get the help they need.” - C.Leaders
SBC Seminary Affirms ‘Men Alone’ May Take Pastoral Office, Function and Title
” Mohler tweeted thanks to seminary trustees for ‘passing a unanimous resolution defining pastor as both function and office and limited to men by Scripture as confessed by Southern Baptists in the Baptist Faith & Message.’” - C.Leaders
What Is Deconstruction?
“Most pastors have heard of deconstruction and some say they’ve seen it in their pews, but no one knows exactly what faith deconstruction means.” - Lifeway
The Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture
In our culture, it’s become the proverbial fifth wheel of holidays.
Really, we don’t even celebrate it anymore. It used to be that we would pause for much of the day—to feast, spend time with our families and, yes, to watch football … but, most importantly, to worship and give thanks.
Bobby Ross, Jr. gathers thoughts from SBC's Bart Barber on Christian Nationalism
“I’ve avoided using the term ‘Christian nationalism’ that you’ve asked about because there’s no carefully agreed-upon definition. And I’ve seen how destructive it is just to pick a label, not do much work to define carefully what that is and then start going after people.” - GetReligion
5 Observations on Pastoral Salaries
“it may be nearly impossible for churches to raise the salary of their pastors to account for growing expenses caused by inflation. If so, then congregations should realize that pastors have less spending power than they had a year prior.” - Wyatt Graham
GARBC and Regular Baptist Ministries Is Moving
“The home office of Regular Baptist Ministries, including the GARBC, has been located in Arlington Heights, Illinois, since 2015. In a time when the commercial real estate market is experiencing an abundance of available properties for sale, we received a full-price cash offer for our office.” - GARBC
Mark Ward's ‘Authorized’ Documentary Freely Available on YouTube
“I’d really like to see this video reach a larger audience than it did behind the paywall. I made it to be about the most accessible, gentle critique of KJV-Onlyism available—and one that focuses on making a positive, constructive replacement for KJV-Onlyism” - Ward
“Much of the time, shame is an indication of a conscience that still functions properly.”
“Having said that, undue shame is a horrible thing…..Another kind of undue shame is that kind that hangs onto sins that have been truly confessed, repented of, and forgiven by Christ.” - Credo
An Evangelistic Approach: Addressing the Sinner’s Hope
In a previous blog post, we evaluated a few common approaches Christians use when communicating the gospel. There were two main concerns that I expressed about some of these approaches. First, the gospel can unintentionally be presented as a means to a self-centered end. Secondly, these approaches assume that the listener has a Biblical framework to process gospel truth. We can’t presume, however, that people understand what we mean when we talk about God, sin, Jesus, repentance, or faith.