“Perry then presented data indicating that the more White Americans identify with Christian nationalists ideals, the more likely they are to believe that White Americans are the most discriminated against group in the nation.” - C.Leaders
Debates About Interracial Marriage, Childbearing Emerge as Christian Nationalism Continues To Gain Support
Logos 10: A pastoral review
“OK, Logos is great. It is also expensive. …In this section, I will offer a few tips on how to reduce the cost.” - Don Johnson
2019 Texas law seen as a model to protect churches against sexual abuse predators
“The legislation, initially written by Texas pastor and current SBC President Bart Barber, protects charitable organizations, their volunteers and independent contractors from liability when disclosing credible allegations to prospective employers.” - BPNews
When it comes to Halloween, pastors have opinions, according to new survey
“More than 90% of pastors encourage their congregations to observe Oct. 31 in a particular way, but that ranges from avoiding Halloween completely to inviting people to Halloween-adjacent events at their churches.” - RNS
Canada Euthanized 10,000 People in 2021. Has Death Lost Its Sting?
“Here’s what I’ve learned as a Christian doctor receiving requests for physician-assisted dying.” - C.Today
It Costs as Much as $1,000 a Ticket to See Elevation Worship in LA. Why?
“if worshippers want a front row seat to see Elevation Worship at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles on November 3, they should expect to pay $1,080.25 a seat plus booking fees” - C.Leaders
If the Wife Departs
“There is an unusual passage of scripture that is seldom addressed when dealing with the subject of marriage, divorce, and remarriage from a biblical perspective.” - Kevin Schaal
What Is Eastern Orthodoxy? A Reformed Perspective and Response
“If Orthodoxy differs so significantly from Catholicism, how closely does it resemble Protestantism? A brief overview of Orthodoxy reveals several points of alignment, some significant misunderstandings, and a few major disagreements” - Desiring God
Is There a Baptist Contribution to Political Theology?
“our modest approach in this essay is to survey English Baptist confessions from the seventeenth century, the beginning of Baptist thought, and categorize the political theology found there.” - London Lyceum
How to Do Faithful Work at a Thankless Job
“I don’t see the service industry as drudgery but as a singular opportunity to serve countless people. If I scorn the job God has handed me, I’m thumbing my nose at him, telling him I’m too good for it.” - TGC
No, Schools Are Not Putting Litter Boxes in Bathrooms for Students Who Identify as Cats
“as often happens with any culture war skirmish, judgment gets clouded and common sense gets abdicated. But in this case, there is really no excuse for believing this very bizarre rumor.” - Relevant
The Double-Edged Sword of Dispensationalism: Destructive as Methodology, Constructive as Outcome (Part 2)
Read Part 1.
Why Church Leaders Should Consider Incorporating More Liturgy On Sunday Mornings
“Apart from a real encounter with the Spirit of the Living God, liturgical traditions are little more than superstitious incantations….However, I have begun to think that many of our evangelical churches have overcorrected for these shortcomings.” - Kainos
Why Are Liberals Less Happy Than Conservatives?
“…the 2022 American Family Survey, a striking new poll from YouGov and the Deseret News, which found that liberals are about 15 percentage points less likely to be ‘completely satisfied’ with their lives.” - IFS
What the First Black Death Victims Wanted the World to Know
“These members of the Church of the East, like their coreligionists all along the Silk Road, believed in the hope of the resurrection” - CToday
Pentecostal World Conference concludes with prayer and Holy Spirit outpouring service
Prophetess Cindy Jacobs (co-founder of Generals International) declared a Word from the Lord saying, “A wave is coming, a tsunami wave of the Holy Spirit is coming to Korea.” - RNS
State of the Bible: Printed Bibles Remain More Popular than Apps
American Bible Society’s latest State of the Bible Survey: “69 percent of Bible users read from the printed Bible within the month preceding the query, and 48 percent used a Bible app on a phone, tablet or computer, ABS said, with the categories overlapping.” - BPNews
Related: 92% of Bible users say Scripture has ‘transformed’ their life: survey - CPost
The Double-Edged Sword of Dispensationalism: Destructive as Methodology, Constructive as Outcome (Part 1)
Presented to the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics 9/14/2022.
The Regulative Principle Among Baptists
“Baptists historically approved this theological judgment of Calvin and followed the principle even more closely than Calvin himself. Calvin wanted to lay aside all human inventions in the practice of baptism” - Tom Nettles
Wanted: More Christians to Dig in Israel
“Biblical archaeology is back in full swing in Israel—after a two-year pandemic delay—and now the digs across the country are going to get a new boost from tourist-volunteers.” - CToday
Bethel University cuts 10 majors, further reduces faculty, amid enrollment decline
“The cuts also eliminated the reconciliation studies minor, the theatre minor and three degrees in leadership, including two graduate programs. Other programs, such as engineering, art therapy and medical science, are being expanded.” - BringMeTheNews
ERLC offers guide for pastors on sexuality, gender issues
“ ‘A biblical resource for pastors on gender and sexuality’… is intended to assist pastors and other ministry leaders in responding biblically to questions regarding issues such as gender dysphoria or discomfort, same-sex unions and what it means to be male or female” - BPNews
The Signs of the Times: Part 2 – Signs of the Second Coming
Read Part 1
It will be here before we know it! December 25th, that is….
But long before that big day, we’ll sense the sights, the sounds and smells.
Christmas, in fact, permeates our culture so thoroughly that it almost mingles together with all things related to fall—the cooler weather, a warm sweater, the desire to stay inside, football on television, a hot cup of cocoa, and the crackling of the fireplace.
fault lines, by Voddie Baucham, Jr.
fault lines - The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe
I’m halfway through this book. Has anyone read it? I’m interested in thoughts, for and against.
Also, I’m open to reading a book from an opposing point of view.
I have a lot of thoughts, but I’m more at the reading/listening stage now.
Supreme Court declines to hear Rhode Island fetal personhood case
“The Rhode Island Supreme Court ruled in May that the fetuses lacked legal standing, and by refusing to take up the case, the U.S. Supreme Court allows the lower court ruling to remain in place.” - RNS
Yes, Worship Service Announcements Are Important
“I often get asked, ‘How important are announcements in the worship services?’ A corollary question is, ‘Aren’t the announcements a distraction from worship?’” - Thom Rainer
Planning Underway for 2023 GARBC Conference
“Regular Baptist Ministries staff members Mark Johnson and Kerry Watkins spent a day at Corban University, planning for the 2023 GARBC Conference that will be held there June 26–29.” - GARBC
“Obviously a pastor, ministry or nonprofit leader is primarily there because of the mission, but when is that an excuse not to pay them what they’re worth?”
Church, Nonprofit and Ministry Salaries – It’s Time We Start Paying For Better Leadership: Phil Cooke
Seek Wisdom in the Age of Algorithms
“So how do we order our lives for God’s glory and our neighbor’s good in an age of algorithmic flattery? Here are seven considerations.” - TGC