Can I Use a Handle for My Username?
For a few years now, SI has been moving away from anonymity. Consequently, we require your real name in your profile when you join (visible only to other members). We also strongly prefer that your username be either your real name or some variation of your real name, such as first or last name with an initial or two. If there is a name just about everyone knows you by but which has little relationship to your real name, we can accommodate that. Handles are not permitted.
Some examples for a member named Francis August Schaeffer…
Allowed | Not Allowed |
Francis S | Sam |
F August Schaeffer | L’Abri Genius |
faschaeffer | GodIsNear |
FrankSchaeffer | Augie |
Francis AS | Booklover |
SchaefferFA | The Schaeffster |
Pastor Francis | The Right Honorable Francis A Schaeffer |