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On Humphrey Bogart, Devil’s Island, and Going Back to Prison

TylerR ⁃

In 1956 Humphrey Bogart starred in one of quirkier movies, a comedy titled We’re No Angels. The year is 1895, it’s Christmas morning, and Bogart and two others are convicts on Devil’s Island, the notorious French penal colony. They escape that awful place and make their way to a coastal city in French Guiana and plot their next move.

US police appreciate quick, heroic Nashville school massacre response

SI Filings ⁃

“the decisive actions by Engelbert and Collazo may offer a ‘textbook’ lesson as police train to limit the carnage of America’s seemingly inevitable next mass shooting” - CNN

Chinese Christians Adapt Under New Restrictions

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“… people in the Henan province register [must] before attending worship services. They’re supposed to use a ‘Smart Religion’ app, which records each person’s name, address, date of birth, occupation, and government ID number.” - TGC

Kentucky becomes latest state to ban puberty blockers, sex-change surgeries for kids

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“The American Principles Project, a socially conservative organization, celebrated the bill’s passage, noting that it makes Kentucky the 13th state to pass such measures.” - C.Post

Trump Labels Indictment ‘Election Interference,’ Predicts It Will ‘Backfire Massively’

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“Trump called the indictment ‘Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history.’” - N.Review

Pew: About a third of U.S. workers who can work from home now do so all the time

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“41% of those with jobs that can be done remotely are working a hybrid schedule… working from home some days and from the office, workplace or job site other days. This is up from 35% in January 2022.” - Pew

Revealed in the Upper Room: The Church

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

As we enter into Palm Sunday and Passion Week, it is appropriate that we focus our attention on the discourse that Jesus gave His disciples in the Upper Room—most of it after Judas left (John 13:30)—on the night before His death.

I asserted in the previous installment that Jesus took this opportunity to reveal many new truths associated with the church age to His apostles.

After all, it was these men who would become “the foundation” (Eph. 2:20) for the church. He was giving them advanced and intensive training in a realm that was brand new to them and, amazingly, He was doing it at the most difficult time they had ever experienced in their lives.

Bob Jones University president Steve Pettit resigns

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“The resignation is effective at the end of the current academic year. In a release from the university on March 30, Pettit thanked the students and staff and called his time as president ‘one of the greatest privileges of my life.’” - Post & Courier

It’s Time for a Change: The Case for a New Ministry Model

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“We cannot continue to lament that our communities are becoming more secular while assuming a ministry model designed for a predominantly Christian culture will effectively reach them.” - Lifeway

Barna Research – Beyond the Offering Plate: Views on Volunteering

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“53 percent of [U.S.] adults strongly agree there is more to generosity than giving money. This number jumps to 80 percent when we factor in those who agree somewhat.” - Barna

Did American values “change drastically” during pandemic? Interpreting the WSJNBC Poll

SI Filings ⁃

“in three and a half years, the latest poll indicates, America seemed to change more drastically than it did in the prior 21 years. Of course, what happened in 2020, 2021, and 2022 was immense. Government-mandated shutdowns of schools and private businesses and forced mask-wearing….” - CPost

Churches Spring into Action with Helicopter Easter Egg Drops

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“Many megachurches are doing large-scale events. But some relatively smaller congregations, like Beaverdam Baptist Church in central Virginia, also have a chopper booked to fly overhead during Easter weekend—the church’s first egg drop event.” - Roys Report

How Sensible Pastors React to Harsh Public Criticism

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“One pastor had a group of people circulate a petition to get him fired. They tried to get signatures in the foyer as members walked into church for Sunday services. Another pastor experienced the creation of a Facebook page dedicated to criticizing every aspect of his preaching and leadership.” - Church Answers

Overcoming Compassion Fatigue in Ministry, Part 1

Dean Taylor ⁃

I was describing the emotional toll that ministry takes on pastors while they are encouraging and counseling people who experience especially difficult times. The person I was speaking to had received training for this very thing as an emergency medical technician. He said, “That’s compassion fatigue.”

Dean Taylor Blog Articles

SharperIron ⁃

Reposted with permission from Dean Taylor’s blog.

Without a Constitution, Israel Struggles to Save Its Democracy from Its Judiciary

SI Filings ⁃

“Be thankful that America has a written Constitution…. Israel’s elected parliament, the Knesset, is currently trying to stave off an anti-democratic coup by its judiciary.” - N.Review

4 Cultural Realities Ministry Leaders Must Be Prepared For

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“1. The trajectory of Tocqueville… ‘expressive individualism’….2. The segmentation of the body from the soul…. 3. The perception that historical Christianity is bigoted…. 4. The omni-channel reality… the implications of technology” - Eric Geiger

What to say after tragedy

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“So many people I love in Nashville today are without strength. The pastor’s wife at Covenant Presbyterian who once shared a weekly prayer group with my wife, now going home to face and empty room, a gaping hole in their family portrait.” - Daniel Darling


FBI Arrests Suspect in Mother’s Day Firebombing of a Pro-life Pregnancy Center

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“Today’s arrest demonstrates the FBI’s commitment to vigorously pursue those responsible for this dangerous attack and others across the country, and to hold them accountable for their criminal actions.” - DOJ

When Did Jesus Die? (Do We Know the Day and Time?)

SI Filings ⁃

“Jesus predicted in Matthew 12:39–40 that he would be in the grave for three days and three nights….Culturally, for Jews, it means part of one day, a full day, and part of the third day.” - Word by Word

SBC's “real problem is NOT wokeism or liberalism or any of the other accusations bandied around.”

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“The greatest threat to the future of the SBC today is… growing unwillingness to cooperate in missions with churches and fellow believers unless they are in near-unanimous agreement on tertiary issues.” - SBC Voices

Can Satan Put Thoughts into Our Heads?

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“Here’s John 13:2: ‘During supper… the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him.’” - John Piper

Why Christian Colleges Are Closing, and What We Can Do

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“Like with any crisis, the situation in higher education also presents opportunities. One of our mottos at the Colson Center is that ‘outrage is not a strategy,’ and that’s just as true here as it is elsewhere.” - Breakpoint

Trump 2024 Makes Rhetorical Embrace of Political Violence Explicit

SI Filings ⁃

“The former president no longer bothers to even pretend that he disavows the thuggish behavior he encourages.” - National Review

3 children, 3 adults fatally shot at Christian school in Nashville

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“…The Covenant School, a Presbyterian school for about 200 students from preschool through sixth grade. Police said the shooter appeared to be in her teens [age 28] and was armed with two assault-type rifles and a pistol.” - C.Index


A Visual Sermon: Jesus’ Look of Mercy, Part 2

Bob Gonzales ⁃

Read Part 1.

A Look of Mercy

Let me offer two reasons why I believe mercy was the primary message communicated through Jesus’ gaze:

PRRI research: LGBTQ Americans Tend to Be Younger and Have No Religion

SI Filings ⁃

“PRRI’s researchers found that about 10% of Americans overall — almost half (46%) of them under the age of 30 — identify as LGBTQ: 3% as gay or lesbian, 4% as bisexual and 2% as something else. Nearly one-quarter of Americans under 30 identify as LGBTQ (23%).” - C.Leaders

Antisemitism spiked in 2022, but physical assaults were few, ADL reports

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“According to the ADL, the rise in antisemitism represents a 36% increase from the 2,717 incidents tabulated in 2021 and the highest number on record since ADL began tracking antisemitic incidents in 1979.” - RNS

“If others imitated my life today, would they be living like Jesus?”

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8 Scriptural Personal Accountability Questions to Ask this Week - Chuck Lawless

Criminal or Not, Trump’s Case Is a Moral Test for Christians

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“I have no idea if or when we will see something no generation of Americans has ever witnessed: a mug shot of a former president of the United States. What I do know is that the entire country is waiting with a sense of unease about just that possibility and about what happens next.” - Russell Moore