The unofficial abortion-free state


“The last abortion center in Missouri won a lengthy courtroom brawl to keep its license even though only a handful of women ended their pregnancies at the facility in the last year. On May 30, the day after the Missouri Administrative Hearing Commission ruled in Planned Parenthood’s favor.” - WORLD


Should Christians in the US ever protest the government?


“The counter argument—that protesting is incompatible with a Christian ethic—is usually made from texts like 1 Peter 2:13-14….But this is the beauty of the freedoms we have in the United States. Our government itself protects our ability to protest.” - Jesse Johnson


“...we must examine how anarchy is lying in wait to feed on our constitutional rights, and on our naiveté about our own vulnerability.”


“In an earlier blog I emphasized the importance of moral clarity for an effective protest. The case of George Floyd dripped with moral clarity — so much so that 78% of the country agreed that Derek Chauvin … should have been arrested immediately. However, such a national consensus and borderline unity was intolerable for the anarchists. It was necessary for them to muddy the moral waters to accomplish their objectives.


Supreme Court may change the future of abortion


Current law “creates a legal fiction granting abortion providers standing to represent the interests of the women they injure. This is similar to allowing a car manufacturing company to represent consumer interests when challenging a car safety law. Although not often discussed, this issue of third-party standing could be the linchpin in this case.” - W.Examiner


“Pastoring had been my identity for so long I’d given little thought to what a transition from the pulpit to the pew might look like.”


“Left unguarded, feelings of uselessness can easily replace the busy schedule that used to typify each week. A loss of identity can also result if once-filled hours aren’t replaced by other significant investments. As the Lord redirects my focus toward fresh avenues of service, I often rehearse several prompts to help clarify my ministry objectives.” - TGC


Understanding Antifa


“The anarchism of Antifa embodies the revolutionary outlook, common in the West since the 18th century, that reviles traditional institutions, that seeks to undermine authority through random violence and that assumes any violent spark that creates a popular uprising will usher in a utopian world of equality and justice.” - L&L


The religious right ousts Steve King


“Steve King calls his loss in Tuesday’s primary a victory in the ‘effort to push out the strongest voice for full-spectrum constitutional, Christian conservatism.’ But the election results tell a different story. It was, to use a slightly dated term, the religious right who threw King out in favor of state Sen. Randy Feenstra.” - WExaminer
