What turns protests into riots?


“Riots, as Haddock and Polby argue, ‘are apt to be a more or less recurrent, if unpredictable, feature of social life,’ not because of persistent injustice but because of the perverse incentives of rioters and poor public policy” - Acton


Is Peace Even Possible?


“Within the pressure-cooker of the Coronavirus pandemic we continue scraping at the festering wound of sinful racism. My heart breaks for my fellow black neighbors and for every police officer out there.” - Cameron Pollock


“Mohler argues that the civil law, which has been dechristianized by secularization, needs to be rechristianized”


“He ought to know that he is playing with fire. When he demands we rechristianize the civil laws, he owes us an account of why our Christian ancestors were wrong for almost a thousand years as they built Western civilization on a natural law tradition that culminated, and logically must culminate, in political liberalism.” - Law & Liberty


Inherited Sin and COVID-19 Epistemology


“I tend to listen to people, who, from the beginning, acknowledge the uncertainty and live in the humility of ‘this is what we think we know to the best of our knowledge, but our the data are flawed, and it will change as we improve our understanding—we are trying our best.’ It’s hard to get a good tweet to go viral with that though (although some manage to do so!).


Prayer for the George Floyd Aftermath

Lord, sometimes an injustice is so grievous that even the inattentive pay attention. Our nation is reeling at the merciless death of George Floyd. If that were not enough, it is tragic that so many have dishonored this man’s death by their rioting and looting, thus providing ammunition for the enemies of racial equality. More people have died or been injured because of such abuses, multiplying further injustices to business owners, by-standers, or peaceful protestors. Fighting injustice with further and greater injustice displaces addressing the real issue.


Should Christians Protest the Police?


“This is one of the short videos I recorded for my church, which I’ve been doing daily since the COVID lockdown started. I recorded it before I knew about the rioting and looting in protest of the death of George Floyd.
