Arguments and “narratives” aren't the same thing


“Arguments tend to be focused on facts and logic…. A person presents arguments in the hope that someone else will have their understanding or thinking altered as they consider the arguments…. Narratives, on the other hand, tend to be focused on personal stories and experiences. … Increasingly, the discourse in our culture is bereft of arguments but filled with competing narratives.” - Ben Edwards


Moral Truth? “It’s Up to You,” Say 58% of Americans


“…according to a recent survey, over half of American adults (58%) say you get to decide what’s right and wrong for yourself. And it’s not just those outside the church who think this way—it’s prevalent even among those who attend evangelical churches, with 46% rejecting the idea of absolute moral truth.” - AiG


6 ways looting hurts the poor


“Looting and riots are sometimes presented as “a lashing-out against capitalism,” or even a form of reparations. But here are 6 ways looting most harms the poorest people.” - Acton


Religious liberty lawsuit challenges Illinois abortion insurance mandate


“The Illinois Baptist State Association (IBSA) … is among three plaintiffs in a lawsuit the nonprofit Thomas More Society filed Wednesday (June 10) in Sangamon County Circuit Court challenging the Illinois Reproductive Health Act’s abortion coverage mandate.” - BPNews


Dog People, Cat People, and Religious People


“A study of pet ownership has found that religious people are just as likely to own dogs as everyone else, but they are markedly less likely to own cats.” - Veith
