The True Extent of Religious Liberty in America, Explained


“I’m going to outline the key federal statutory and constitutional protections for religious liberty and religious Americans that exist now, today, after Bostock and why I believe that, if anything, many of these protections are more likely to be extended, not restricted, in the coming days and weeks. So, here goes:” - David French


Power and Moral Purity


“The leftists who are in ascendancy in the Democratic party are motivated by a strong sense of the moral rectitude of their cause. …their moral convictions about human equality and the worth of each person derive directly from the Christian and Jewish religions. And yet, for the most part, they reject those religions.


Facts don't matter to the already-made-up mind


“In a recent article, Dennis Prager lists four practices that are destroying America from the inside. One of those he outlines is demonization, where an entire class or group of people is labeled as inherently evil. Heather Mac Donald’s WSJ editorial challenged this very thing.” - CPost


Moody Apologizes Over Historical Blackface Photos


“Decades-old photos depicting white students in blackface in Moody Bible Institute yearbooks have led the leaders to issue an apology and pledge to carefully examine racism in its history and current ministry.” - CToday


Veith on worldview and disbanding the police


“But these proposals come out of a completely different worldview. Are human beings moral agents responsible for their actions, so that committing a crime is a moral offense that society needs to be protected from? Or are human beings not responsible at all for what they do, so that those who commit crimes are themselves victims of the society?” - Gene Veith


Is It Too Late to Recover the Founders’ Presidency?


Prakash’s book “offers a serious plan for the restoration of something closer to the original intent of the presidency and its relationship to our other political institutions.
