USA as a “Failed Social Experiment”?


“That’s coming from the Left. But prominent figures from the Right have been saying something similar. …Some conservatives are saying that our ideology of freedom has led to the destruction of the morality that is necessary for any society….Some conservative intellectuals have gone so far as to advocate a non-democratic authoritarian government.” - Gene Veith


Southern Baptist leaders issue joint statement on the death of George Floyd


“While we thank God for our law enforcement officers that bravely risk their lives for the sake of others and uphold justice with dignity and integrity, we also lament when some law enforcement officers misuse their authority and bring unnecessary harm on the people they are called to protect.” - BPNews


“...civil society—not the state—is where our ideas of the common good develop; even the state must draw such ideas from civil society”


“The second fallacy is that before the state takes charge of our morals, it must be morally superior to us, and there’s no evidence it is. Quite the contrary: the record shows that when government takes command of personal morality, both the people and the state end up less moral, not more.” - Timothy Sandefur


Atheism and the Evidence for God


“As with many atheists, Dawkins prides himself on the fact that science can provide us with all the answers. However, it is not science that proves that God does not exist but the philosophical system that Dawkins uses to interpret science and evidence, namely naturalism.” - AiG


Who’s Really Exploiting Norma McCorvey?


“Producer Nick Sweeney…appears to be selling the entire mainstream media on the idea that the last decades of Norma McCorvey’s life were ‘an act’ and that her relationship with the pro-life movement was defined by money.


Fact and Fiction About Racism and the Rise of the Religious Right


“According to this narrative, Evangelical leaders mainly supported abortion rights. They jumped into the culture war only when the IRS moved to strip the tax exemptions from racially discriminatory schools. Opposition to integration is the poisonous acorn that grew into the mighty political oak of conservative Christianity.” - David French


“How can half of Americans between 18 and 29 favor socialism over capitalism? Because they do not know the first thing about capitalism”


“Many young Americans sympathetic to socialism mistakenly believe that capitalism is a relatively modern concept, first seriously examined in Karl Marx’s Das Kapital, published in 1867. However… private property—an essential ingredient of capitalism—has been an integral part of Western civilization since ancient Athens, which had ‘a highly developed system of private property.’” - Law & Liberty


Is it wrong to be skeptical of "science."

Christians have been criticized by other Christians- even on this site- for being skeptical of “science.” This rabbi explains why we should be skeptical.
