Memorizing the Word in 2016

The church leadership at Highland Park Church recently agreed to launch a congregation-wide Scripture memory plan. What follows is part of pastor Ed Vasicek’s commuication to the congregation, describing the plan and its purpose. Perhaps it may stimulate ideas for church-wide Scripture memory efforts in other churches as well. – Editor.


Looking for a church near Lexington, KY

My family will be on vacation in Lexington on October 25th and we are looking for a good church to visit. Anyone here know of any in that area? We lean towards more conservative/traditional services.

Because of Him,



Blogroll Reboot

Coming soon: updates to the blogroll. Your help is needed in a couple of ways.

1. Whys & wherefores

First, I’d like to hear your thoughts on some concept questions. What is a blogroll for? Should blogs/sites listed there be seen as “endorsed” in some way? If so, by whom—SI users in general? The admins/moderators? And if these sites are selected because we want to commend their content in some way, how far should that commendation be seen as extending and how do we communicate where it ends?


Send me your Blogroll suggestions

Do you have a blog, or a favorite blogger? SI is updating the Blogroll, and we’d love to know who our readers want to see featured.

All we ask is that it be an active blog (with at least one new post per month) and that it be consistent with the Statement of Faith and purpose of SI.

Send your blogroll suggestions to Susan R,


Modesty Conversations

I know that modesty is subjective, and therefore one person’s definition of what is modest and what isn’t will be different than other people’s definitions. That being said, what do you think is the best way to approach a sister in Christ regarding their immodesty, or the immodesty of their teenage daughters without giving offense?


10 years! Thank you to all my friends!

I haven’t been very active on SI lately. And I just realized that last week was the 10 year anniversary of my first SharperIron post.

So I thought I should pop by and express what a help this forum has been to me over these last 10 years.


IE password question

How do you find the list of saved passwords in Internet Explorer? I only use it for Outlook which I only use for Skype. I can find listings for “saved passwords” in Firefox and Chrome.
