When May Christians Divorce?

Periodically, throughout the years, I’ve re-visited the “when can Christians legitimately divorce” issue. First time was before seminary, when someone asked me if she had biblical grounds to leave a spouse who beat her. Second time was at seminary, where I was taught the “only for adultery and desertion” approach. Third, fourth and fifth times have been over the past decade-ish, since I’ve been a pastor.

Well, I come before you to declare I’ve figured everything out …

Just kidding.


How will evangelical schools teach about the Capitol attack?


“Today, homeschooling in conservative evangelical communities is a key conduit for ideas that feed into Christian nationalism. In March, Charlie Kirk, a conservative Christian activist who has publicly downplayed the events of Jan.



A sermon delivered on Sunday, May 20, 1855 by C.H. Spurgeon at Exeter Hall.

“I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.”—Isaiah 43:25


7 Thoughts About Introverts


“…most of us really do love people. A lot….If one expectation you have of love is talking a lot, you’re going to be disappointed at times. But, this may help to know—for some introverts, one expectation we have of love is giving the people we love time to not have to talk.” - C.Leaders


From the Archives – FEARING God or Fearing GOD?

The Scriptures constantly remind us to fear God (Leviticus 25:17, for example), and we find out that such a fear is the “beginning of knowledge” (ESV, Proverbs 1:7), while the fear of man “lays a snare” (Proverbs 29:25).


Christian university sues to block HUD order forcing male student placement in female dorms


“The College of the Ozarks, a four-year liberal arts college in Point Lookout, filed a lawsuit in response to a February order from the Department of Housing and Urban Development that forces any entities that receive federal dollars covered by the Fair Housing Act to place transgender-identified biological males into female dormitories and assign them as females’ roommates.” - C.&nbsp


How Hyperbole Dulls Our Spiritual Discernment


“By all means let us continue to be passionate for the truth and to use rhetoric and hyperbole when it is appropriate. But let us also lower the temperature so that we don’t attack others with rhetoric and hyperbole that will embarrass us on the last day.” - Thomas Schreiner


On Getting Angry, Part 1: Doing It Wrong


“If your worldview isn’t robust enough to account for what we’re seeing all around us, then it makes sense to be frustrated and angry. Why won’t people listen? Why won’t they do the sensible—and virtuous—thing? Why?” - Olinger
