Critique Gently, Encourage Fiercely


“We love, not in a sentimental sense, but in the gutsy, costly sense, because He first loved us. We do not have the resources in ourselves to extend such selfless love. We are resourced by another, by Jesus Himself.” - Sauls


Bringing Good Things Together: Work and Worship


“The broader faith-and-work movement has long stressed a believer’s royal role in the creation mandate (Gen. 1:28), bringing order and goodness to the world through work.


No Taste or Smell


“Not having taste or smell has been one of the strangest experiences of my life. I had no symptoms of Covid until I couldn’t smell garlic bread! ….How many of us have lost our ‘taste and desire’ for God’s Word?” - Treg Spicer

HT: Proclaim & Defend


Avoid the hot takes: Takeaways for Christians after two mass shootings


“…avoid the hot take. Christians especially should be slow to speak. People are complicated. Explanations that focus only on external factors of race, gender, ethnicity, or legal requirements may miss the motivations that animate individual human beings…. ‘out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.’” - WORLD


The Human Distinction


“Transhumanism says that carbon as flesh is weak and carbon as mechanism is strong; at its most fundamentalist it preaches an eschaton of singularity, the upload of our minds—reduced or assumed to be ones and zeros—on immortal circuitries.” - TAC


Why Do We Add to Our Trouble?


“We are so often drawn to bad news more than good, to evidences of depravity more than evidences of grace. Why then should we be surprised that our feet grow heavy, that our pace begins to falter?” - Challies


In Consideration of Our Gendered Selves


“Almost thirty years since its first printing, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is still a top seller. There are also many other popular books like it. There is a reason for this…” - Scott Sauls
