Enjoying the God-Given Gift of Work


“When the only function of work is profit-centered—for personal gain and wealth—versus the recognition of the divine privilege of expressing the qualities and character of God who granted it, work becomes far less satisfying and far less beneficial to the society and the context in which the work is done.” - IFWE


Here’s How You Can Develop a “Work as Worship” Mindset


“…flipping a switch does not always have immediate results. Similarly, understanding God’s command for us to use our skills and resources for his glory does not immediately transform our outlook on work.” - IFWE


Scientists Create Early Embryos That Are Part Human, Part Monkey


“The embryos, described Thursday in the journal Cell, were created in part to try to find new ways to produce organs for people who need transplants, said the international team of scientists who collaborated in the work. But the research raises a variety of concerns.” - NPR


Don’t Be That Bildad Guy


“How can we avoid the pitfall of being one of these well-meaning, but miserable comforters?” - TGC


7 Principles of Disagreeing Well


“Thomas Sowell once said, ‘It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.’ Humility must precede all healthy learning and dialogue. An awareness of our own limitations will not only force us to take a more humble stance ourselves but also compel us to grant grace to our fellow human beings.” - LifeWay


“Scripture shows that well-instructed believers develop a determination to rejoice.”


“In Romans 5:1–11, Paul leads us from rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God (v. 2) to joy that comes in tribulation (v. 3) to exulting in God Himself (v. 11; see Ps. 43:4). The unbeliever finds this incredible, because he has been blinded by the joy-depriving lie of Satan that to glorify God is the high road to joylessness.” - Ligonier


The Challenge of Honoring Our Aging Parents


“There is a larger purpose for their life in God’s sovereignty, even if they aren’t ‘contributing,’ even in suffering, even if we cannot see it. Supporting them as they experience difficulties is one of the ways God shapes us to become more Christ-like.” - IFWE
