Hurt by a church? Resist the urge to withdraw


“Don’t let those who’ve sinned against you determine your future. …You can move toward others with trust and hope again, not because your next community won’t fail you, but because God will never fail you, and he often ministers to us through others.” - TGC


Matthew Henry on the Method of Prayer

Matthew Henry is perhaps best known for his Bible Commentary. I first came across him when I downloaded my first copy of the E-Sword Bible program. His commentary is available as a free download. Henry (1662-1714) died after finishing Genesis through to Acts. The rest of his commentary was finished by friends utilizing his notes.


Should We Use Matthew 18 for Workplace Conflicts?


“I work in a Christian ministry where the supervisor frequently appeals to Matthew 18 and encourages subordinates to come to his office to discuss concerns. Rarely does anyone take him up on his offer…How does Matthew 18 apply where there’s a power differential between parties?” - TGC


On the Fruit of the Spirit, Part 6: Kindness


“How are such people thinking? They’re thinking outwardly; they’re focused not on what they want or need, but on what’s in the best interest of the people around them.” - Olinger


Recovering the Priority of Personal Holiness


“…what gave John Owen success in ministry was not so much his oratory skill, nor his evangelistic zeal, nor even his love for the people he shepherded. John Owen was used mightily by God in all these ways because he was a man characterized by personal holiness.” - Alistair Begg
