Maybe angry Christians should try chanting 'Pray for Biden' instead of 'Let's go Brandon'?
“Are we supposed to stand up to lies? Of course. We have every right and responsibility to expose lies for what they are. … The question is, ‘What are we going to say and how are we going to say it?’ It doesn’t help our cause when people see Christians acting like the people that we’re trying to oppose.” - GetReligion
The current conservative Christian response to Biden is irrational. My family has been trying to find a church to attend so we have been visiting a lot of local churches the last 8 months. I can tell you this, too many people act like Biden is Vladimir Lenin or Leon Trotsky… They hyper-analyze Biden’s faults but give nary a mention to Trump’s. Instead, Trump is some enlightened cherub defending democracy…
Now, this is not everyone, but I have overheard this over and over again.
For the record, I voted for Trump, twice. I did because I saw no other choice. I will NEVER vote for him again, no matter what. He is disqualified… period.
As a Never Trumper, I like a lot of what was said in this article, but I have to admit that the whole should we “PFB” instead of “LGB” headline immediately reminded me of THIS.
[Mark_Smith]The current conservative Christian response to Biden is irrational.
The reaction of people (including Christians) who loudly chant “Let’s Go Brandon” is hardly irrational given what a disaster he has been as president, and how the media has done everything in its power to cover for him. However, as Christians we are called to be different from the world around us, so anyone joining in with others chanting it is not helping our testimony at all. Even if you personally think that chant is reasonable because you think it’s making fun of the media gaslighting and blowing smoke at us (and you’re not wrong to point out that that IS what they are doing, IMHO), at least 98% of people will take that particular chant as a “more acceptable” euphemism for what they were really saying at that NASCAR race, regardless of how you mean it.
Is it “fair” for Biden to get back what was thrown at Trump for 4 years (usually without any kind of euphemism)? Yes, absolutely — in my view he and the media are getting just a portion of what they have earned all by themselves. That doesn’t mean I (or any Christian) should be a part of acting in that way towards our leader(s).
I started really paying attention to what presidents were doing with the Carter administration, and I think Biden even manages to dethrone Carter as the worst president I’ve seen in my lifetime, and that just after one year in office. I suspected that would be the case, which is why I voted for Trump over Biden (or Clinton, who might even end up with a Watergate-level of scandal associated with her). However, I will still pray for the president (especially that he is prevented from doing more harm to our country), AND do what I can both legally and morally while striving to keep a Christian attitude and approach to see that he doesn’t get a 2nd term.
Dave Barnhart
[dcbii]The reaction of people (including Christians) who loudly chant “Let’s Go Brandon” is hardly irrational given what a disaster he has been as president, and how the media has done everything in its power to cover for him. However, as Christians we are called to be different from the world around us, so anyone joining in with others chanting it is not helping our testimony at all. Even if you personally think that chant is reasonable because you think it’s making fun of the media gaslighting and blowing smoke at us (and you’re not wrong to point out that that IS what they are doing, IMHO), at least 98% of people will take that particular chant as a “more acceptable” euphemism for what they were really saying at that NASCAR race, regardless of how you mean it
Is it “fair” for Biden to get back what was thrown at Trump for 4 years (usually without any kind of euphemism)? Yes, absolutely — in my view he and the media are getting just a portion of what they have earned all by themselves. That doesn’t mean I (or any Christian) should be a part of acting in that way towards our leader(s).
I started really paying attention to what presidents were doing with the Carter administration, and I think Biden even manages to dethrone Carter as the worst president I’ve seen in my lifetime, and that just after one year in office. I suspected that would be the case, which is why I voted for Trump over Biden (or Clinton, who might even end up with a Watergate-level of scandal associated with her). However, I will still pray for the president (especially that he is prevented from doing more harm to our country), AND do what I can both legally and morally while striving to keep a Christian attitude and approach to see that he doesn’t get a 2nd term.
OK. You do you.
I’m almost with Dave on the response to Biden—I agree that he’s clearly the worst President of my lifetime, and I’m saying that as a guy who has some memory of August 9, 1974, when Nixon resigned. I’d place Carter as third worst, though, after Biden and then Obama—Obama earned accolades with his approach, but under the waterline, he weaponized the bureaucracy against his political opponents. Honest historians are going to rank Obama very, very poorly, I think, when all is known. He’s the political equivalent of another famous Chicagoan, Al Capone. (Happy Valentine’s Day, by the way)
Where I’d differ is in how to address the crimes Biden’s committing. My take is that the original chant, and even LGB, give the left the privilege of ignoring the criticism. It’s the political equivalent, IMO. of opening “Joe Biden soup kitchens” in the same way Capone did.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
[dcbii]the media has done everything in its power to cover for him.
You are stating a minority of the media outlets are doing everything in their power to cover him? Right? Because out of the top ten US News and Talk Shows, the far right massively dominates. Holding the top two spots and the top 7 out of 10 spots in the US. Joe Rogan is the #1 podcast in the US by several margins and is the #1 in many other countries. All of the top radio talk shows are heavy conservative leaning with no strong liberal show in the Top 20. The Right always wants to talk about how the media is portraying Biden, but I think they miss the fact that the Conservative agenda and the media outlets criticizing Biden is significantly larger than any centrist or liberal media outlet.
[Bert Perry]Where I’d differ is in how to address the crimes Biden’s committing.
What crimes is he committing? Are these alleged crimes, or crimes that he has been convicted of?
[dgszweda]What crimes is he committing? Are these alleged crimes, or crimes that he has been convicted of?
I want to know what crimes Biden is committing as well. I’m no Democrat! But I’m not fool either. What “crimes” is Biden committing? Did Trump commit crimes as well, just what the other party thought they were? Did you fight against Trump committing crimes?
[Mark_Smith]I want to know what crimes Biden is committing as well. I’m no Democrat! But I’m not fool either. What “crimes” is Biden committing? Did Trump commit crimes as well, just what the other party thought they were? Did you fight against Trump committing crimes?
In my view committing a crime is someone who has been charged and convicted of the crime. Trump was charged with two crimes while in office (impeachment), he is being investigated for numerous crimes outside of office. He hasn’t been convicted. Biden has been investigated outside of office, but has not been charged. He has not been investigated or charged while in office. So I am not sure which crimes he has committed.
Is the executive branch refusing to enforce existing Constitutional law passed by the legislative branch a violation of Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution?
[KD Merrill]Is the executive branch refusing to enforce existing Constitutional law passed by the legislative branch a violation of Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution?
This is the point. No, they are not. This is called elections. Democrats are gonna do one thing, Republicans in general will do things a different way. They “interpret” the application of the laws in different ways. Move on. We need to stop shouting about the Democrats being criminals while ignoring the stuff “our own guys” do.
Has Hillary Clinton committed any crimes? Many are convinced that she has. Has she been convicted of any crimes? No. So legally, she is not guilty of crimes, but in actuality, she almost certainly is. The problem is largely political. Those on the right are much more likely to be prosecuted for similar crimes for which those on the left get a pass. Its part of the double standard which is driving much of the anti-government sentiment in America today. The left has a virtual lock on big government, public education, and the majority of the major news outlets.
Trump’s “Russian collusion” was trumpeted endlessly for years by the leftist establishment. Hillary’s role in this farce is largely “ho-hum.” Trump’s collusion must be thoroughly investigated for the good of the country. Investigating Hillary’s role in this farce is nothing but a politicly motivated witch hunt. Hunter’s laptop? Ho-hum. Biden’s financial shenanigans? Ho-hum. Trump’s financial shenanigans? Investigate, prosecute and string him up. (I strongly favor a thorough investigation of Trump’s financial dealings. I also favor an equal investigation of Biden’s.)
So, has Hillary committed crimes? You be the judge.
G. N. Barkman
The standard of conviction is a bit absurd when we consider that former AG Eric Holder characterized himself in public as President Obama’s “wing man”, and his successor, Loretta Lynch, infamously held an impromptu meeting at the airport with the husband of a woman who was being investigated, Hilliary Clinton. For that matter, Nixon was never actually convicted of anything. Then you’ve got very real crimes committed by the BATFe (Fast & Furious) and the IRS that were basically whitewashed by the Obama administration.
History tells us very clearly that investigators often “slow-walk” investigations where they really don’t want the truth coming out, and this reality dictates that we ought to “read between the lines” and see what out there reeks of corruption. For Biden, that’s pretty clear. The FBI was provided a laptop which clearly shows the President’s son smoking crack with a hooker who may be underage while on a trip coordinated by his father, and that same laptop clearly indicates that President Biden was doing pay to play on his overseas trips while he was VP. Then you’ve got the issue of flying illegal immigrants all over the country instead of deporting them as the law requires.
This ain’t just different priorities. This is corruption. And there’s a lot more—the pipeline cancellation, throwing the Afghans under the bus while leaving eighty billion bucks worth of equipment for the Taliban, etc..
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
A lot of deflection, but I still struggle with what crime specifically Biden has committed. There is a lot of conjecture, or what people think he might have done.
[Mark_Smith]This is the point. No, they are not. This is called elections. Democrats are gonna do one thing, Republicans in general will do things a different way. They “interpret” the application of the laws in different ways. Move on. We need to stop shouting about the Democrats being criminals while ignoring the stuff “our own guys” do.
You’re not really saying that you believe the president can ignore his primary responsibility to faithfully execute duly passed laws, are you, Mark? You don’t really believe it’s not a big deal, do you?
Would you attend a church where the Pastor blatantly disregards/flaunts the church constitution? Given your recent posts about the churches you have visited, it doesn’t seem likely. Why is it a big thing ecclesiastically, but not legally?