Is It ‘Ministry Failure’ To See a Counselor?


“instead of protesting the ‘rights and wrongs’ of counseling, let’s start from a point of agreement that our holistic health contains aspects—physical, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional health—that God created in us and are, thus, worthy of our care.” - Lifeway


On Philippians 4:8's “Think on these things.”


“First, it’s not presented as exhaustive; there’s no command to think only about things on this list. Second, there are times when the Bible itself tells us to think about manifestly negative, even sinful things—to consider the way of the fool, for example.” - Olinger


How to Avoid Misinformation and Disinformation Online


“In one week, I narrowly avoided one case of misinformation and two cases of disinformation. But rather than feeling pride, I asked myself, how many falsehoods slipped past my radar? Probably more than a few.” - TGC


Abiding in Christ & Bearing Fruit

Reposted from Rooted Thinking.

When I was just a little guy, my parents planted a peach tree in our back yard. The tree grew as I grew. By the time I turned seven, the first few peaches appeared on that tree. I was so excited. However, the next year, we moved from that home. I never got to enjoy the fruit from that tree again, but someone did because that tree kept on bearing fruit.


To My Surprise, I Love My Work

In 2013 I was pretty sure I’d never love my work, ever again. I’d served as a full time pastor since 2001, and though I kept some small side jobs going for fun and a little income, I couldn’t imagine myself doing anything else as a vocation and finding it satisfying.


Should I Get a Tattoo?


“There is only one clear reference to tattoos in Scripture:.. (Leviticus 19:28)….an Old Testament precept, and many Christians argue that it is no longer applicable today. This claim deserves some careful consideration.” - Ref21
