The Joy of God in Us: Why the Spirit Produces Happiness


In the NT: “a unique connection between the Holy Spirit and joy…. ‘rejoiced in the Holy Spirit’ (Luke 10:21) … ‘received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit’ (1 Thessalonians 1:6–7)…. ‘the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit’ (Romans 14:17).” - Desiring God


New Research Shows That Cells Need a Designer


“scientists at the University of Illinois have embarked on an ambitious project to map, using computers, a complete simulation of a ‘minimal cell.’ At 493 genes, the lab-made cell they’re mapping contains far fewer genes than even the simplest natural organism. But the challenge is still proving to be steep.” - Breakpoint


The Neuroscience of Thankfulness


“In a culture that values authenticity and prioritizes feelings, telling someone to ‘be grateful’ can sound a lot like cheap pop psychology…. However, plenty of studies suggest that being grateful is far more significant to our mental health and well-being that we may realize.” - Breakpoint


Georgia lawmakers give final passage to book-screening bill


“Under the bill, school principals would have seven business days to review complaints from parents that a given book is obscene and ‘lacking in serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors.’” - C.Index


Ten Reasons Christians Are Deconstructing Their Faith

I have been observing former students, classmates, and friends deconstructing their faith for years. I have been grieved, puzzled, and angered (at the Evil One) at the loss of once-professing brothers and sisters in Christ. By “deconstructing,” I mean they have turned against their former profession of faith and have denounced Christianity. Some of these can be rescued and some cannot (for reason #10). I will be unpacking each of these over the next ten Fridays. Comments, input, and corrections are welcome.


It’s Better To Suffer Wrong


“It’s a verse every Christian believes in until he suffers some great wrong…. it’s just then that the words seem to transform from clear to opaque” - Challies


Central Seminary's Dr. Charles Hauser with the Lord


“Dr. Hauser taught at Buffalo Bible Institute, San Francisco Baptist Theological Seminary, Denver Baptist Bible College and Seminary, and for 20 years taught at Central Baptist Theological Seminary.” - CBTS
